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PaP Product Definition

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1 PaP Product Definition
Vienna, 23 November 2016

2 PaP Product Definition: A Reshaped Concept
The PaP Product Definition was started... ...due to many missing definitions ...due to lacking description of several process steps ...due to missing market orientation streamline and improve all respecetive guidelines Timeline June 2015: RNE requests „Do something with the Flex PaPs!“ Until end of 2015: Collection of all developments and requirements. Formation of revision group by April 2016 Provision of a new guideline by October 2016 Open: Agreement of RNE General Assembly (December 2016)

3 Working Method Formation of an expert task force:
Members of the Timetable Support Group Members of the C-OSS Community Creating a baseline: What is the current situation? Detection of available content Detection of gaps between documents and reality Where do we want to go? Market orientation (inputs from TTR) Experiences of process participants (C-OSS, IMs) What is our framework? Inputs from TTR, especially market requirements and capacity approach Legal framework

4 Key Findings (1) The PaP product is „Guaranteed Capacity“
The IM decide on the flexibility in all stages of the product (from creation to request to allocation) > frameworks for paths will be provided In case of PaP not being available due to various reasons the RFCs must be able to provide alternatives in adequate quality A request has to be hanled as end-to-end request. Although it consists of components these components lead to complete paths. The original process steps were already good – the description had to be revised and extended Each process step is now described in detail The responsibility matrix has been improved The C-OSS will have extended support possibilities

5 Key Findings (2) It is hard to keep two guidelines with so many common contents harmonised, therefore the C-OSS and PaP Guidelines were merged to one IT developments need to start after the process (i.e. guidelines) is agreed First elements available for annual timetable 2019 Expected complete rollout for annual timetable 2020 The late and ad-hoc request require more attention and market orientation Definition of these requests have been clarified A next project will deal with these in detail The C-OSS‘ coordinating role needs to be strengthened More insight into PCS dossiers Involvement of C-OSS in coordination activities (e.g. Technical Meeting)

6 Endorsement and Implementation
11 October 2016: Proposal for guidelines agreed by the Sales & Timetabling Working Group November 2016: Start of PCS evaluation 8 December 2016: Agreement to release the guidelines by RNE General Assembly „Old“ guidelines will be applicaple until timetable 2018 Revised guidelines will be apprlicaple starting with timetable 2019 December 2016: Creation of PCS Change Requests Until November 2017: PCS Developments for first stage of new guidelines (timetable 2019) Until November 2018: PCS Developments for second stage of new guidelines (starting timetable 2020)

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