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New Parents Meeting Reception Miss Pope – Class Teacher

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1 New Parents Meeting Reception 2018 - 19 Miss Pope – Class Teacher

2 This presentation aims to provide an introduction to St
This presentation aims to provide an introduction to St. Josephs and includes initial information which we hope you will find useful. Should you have any further questions, staff will be happy to discuss these with you.

3 Mrs McFarlane – Head Teacher
Mrs Harrand – Deputy Head Mrs Tame – Foundation Stage Leader Miss Pope - Class Teacher Mrs Abel – Classroom Teaching Assistant Mrs Budd , Mrs Gilbert, Mrs O’Dee – Reception Office

4 School Values Mission Statement

5 Please ask if you unsure what date your child is due to start
Transition Wednesday 4th July - 2 sessions (am , pm) 9:30- 11:30 (15 children) and 1pm – 3pm (15 children) Tuesday 4th September – 8:50 – 3:15pm (10 children) Wednesday 5th September - 8:50 – 3:15pm (10 Children) Thursday 6th September - 8:50 – 3:15pm (10 Children) Friday 7th September - 8:50 – 3:15pm all children in full time. Please ask if you unsure what date your child is due to start

6 The First School day The Reception classroom will initially open at 8.45 am. Please feel very welcome to come in with your child explore our classroom and settle them in. 9:00- Register 10:15 - We have snack time in the morning, milk and fruit or vegetables, and this is provided free of charge in the Reception year. Lunch is at 11:45 – 12:45 Pick up time 3.15pm We ask that you be patient as there are many children to give out and we will be getting to know you.

7 Clothing Uniform – We have a dress code in school which consists of a dark green sweatshirt and a gold polo shirt with the school emblem on. Dark contrasting bottoms black/navy/grey. Appropriate clothing must be worn at all times as the children go outside in all weathers. Shoes – Your child will be getting changed for PE so shoes that your child can manage themselves are preferable. P.E. – White t-shirt, dark shorts, slip on plimsolls. Welly Wednesday - As part of our weekly timetable we spend time completing outdoor learning, if possible can you provide your child with a pair of wellington boots. Book bag – Every child needs to have a book bag. Books are available for children to take home from the Library on a weekly basis. Please ensure all your child’s belongings are clearly labelled.

8 Food and Drink Water – Children will have access to water when ever they require it and so please can you provide your child with a named water bottle so they may have a drink of water when needed. These will be brought home daily. Lunch – Hot dinners are provided free of charge from an offsite catering company Dolce. Hot dinner must be ordered the night before and can be ordered in bulk. Your child can also bring a packed lunch if preferred, please note that we are a healthy school and please avoid nut products.

9 Allergies and Medical Information
When completing your data form please can you ensure you include any information about any allergies or medical information and contact details that we may need. If your child needs daily medication (Asthma etc.) please make sure that the medication is kept in school. Complete a medical consent form and instruct your child’s class teacher. If your child is unable to attend school due to sickness please can you ensure you call the school office to let us know before 9:00 am where possible. Please note - If your child has sickness or diarrhoea they must remain off school for 48 hours from the last incident.

10 Foundation Stage The Early years Foundation Stage (E.Y.F.S) is the stage of education for children from birth to the end of Reception year. This creates a National Curriculum for 5s and under. From birth to the end of the Reception year in school, the EYFS framework seeks to provide: Quality and consistency in all Early years settings A secure foundation for life long learning A partnership working between home and school Equality of opportunity to ensure that ALL children are included and supported.

11 Foundation Stage The EYFS Framework is very flexible so it can be adapted to the children’s needs and interests. It is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning. There are 7 areas of learning and development. All areas of learning are reflected inside and outdoors at St. Josephs. We help the children to learn through playing, exploring and being active. This means children will take part in a range of fun, practical activities; some of which are adult led, some guided by adults and some will be child- initiated

12 Prime Areas of Learning
Personal, Social and Emotional Development This area includes Self-confidence and Self-awareness, Managing Feelings and Behaviour and Making Relationships Communication and Language This area includes Listening and Attention and Understanding and Speaking Physical Development This area includes Moving and Handling and Health and Self-care

13 Specific Areas of Learning
Literacy This area includes Reading and Writing Mathematical Development This area includes Numbers and Shapes and Space and Measure. Understanding the World This area includes People and Communities and The World and Technology. Expressive Arts and Design This area includes Exploring and Using Media and Materials & Being Imaginative.

14 Continuous Provision All of the following are on offer to children daily. Sometimes these are enhanced to fit in with a class theme or child’s interest. Sand Water Play dough Messy play Phonics games Fine motor activities Art and crafts

15 Characteristics of Effective Learning
Learning Journey Through observation your child will be assessed in the 7 areas, based on their individual development and needs. A record of their learning, memories and achievements over the year will be kept in their learning journey. Characteristics of Effective Learning We also love to observe HOW your child learns. Whether they persevere and show determination or explore to find their own methods and concepts……. We value the diversity of each and every child in our care and celebrate their differences and individual characters! Observations Learning stories Tapestry Home information

16 Parents as Partners Sharing information Home school agreement Topic involvement Wow moments Travelling Crib and Easter cross Reading records Friends of St. Joseph

17 Fostering a willingness to try!
School Readiness Support with dressing Fastening coats Toileting Name Knife and fork Independence Fostering a willingness to try!

18 And Finally…. The school website is kept up to date with the latest news and events and has lots more information about our school. Website - Reception class page, class blog. Please ensure we have your correct address as we are a paperless school.

19 We look forward to us all being part of this fantastic journey!
We are all very eager to meet your child! The year flies by and the progress and development that occurs is overwhelming! We look forward to us all being part of this fantastic journey! Thank you for coming – any questions?

20 “Play is the highest form of research” Albert Einstein
“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning” Fred Rogers “Play is really the work of childhood” Jean Piaget

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