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Of the American Revolution

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1 Of the American Revolution
Causes and Main Events Of the American Revolution

2 Foundation of the 13 Colonies (Pre-USA)
Mayflower: Puritans escaping persecution in England left to establish a religious colony in Plymouth Rock Massachusetts Some left to have a opportunity to have land and make money off resources (fish/furs/gold/sugar etc.) American Dream: with hard work you can raise yourself from rags to riches (anyone can be president) unlike Europe where peasants were born and died poor 13 colonies all had separate governments and little in common

3 Cause #1: The Quebec Act Quebec Act: Makes it so 13 colonies cannot expand into Ohio valley – reserved for aboriginals; Quebec does not get elected assembly, a sign Colonies won’t either (want more democracy)

4 -Mercantilism, Americans only buy British goods
Cause #2: Molasses Act -tax on all molasses imported from anywhere other than British Colonies -Mercantilism, Americans only buy British goods

5 Cause #3: Stamp Tax Taxation without representation: Stamp Act/Various Taxes without Colony’s input. Tax on tea. Taxed to help pay for British Troops debt from 7 Years War. Repealed in 1766.

6 The Sons of Liberty Lead violent protests against Britain – Boston Tea Party to protest taxes on tea etc. Boycott all goods from England.

7 Main Events: The Boston Massacre
1770 – British soldiers fire on Boston Protesters. Kill several.

8 Boston Tea Party

9 Boston Tea Party 1773 116 Sons of Liberty dressed up as Mohawk Indians
Boarded British ships in the Boston Harbour Threw about a million dollars of tea into the harbour to protest all of the taxes, but particularly one on tea

10 Intolerable Acts Take away right to assemble/town meetings
British soldiers must be boarded by Americans for free People charged with Crimes can be forced to have their trial in Britain Can’t use Boston Port until Tea from Boston tea party was paid for

11 First Continental Congress
colonies met to discuss the unfairness of the Quebec Act and taxes Met in Philadelphia Try to convince the colonies to work together Decided to boycott all British goods Started stock piling weapons and ammunition Establish the Continental Army

12 Patriot Loyalist 1st Battle at Lexington
-1st shot probably an American -Just gathering to protest the Intolerable Acts, but emotions got out of control and shots were fired -1st Battle Bunker Hill

13 Paul Revere Messenger during Battles of Lexington and Concord. Let towns know that British troops were coming. “One if by land, two if by sea”

14 The Declaration of Independence
1776 – Declare USA = Independent from Britain. (7 more years) Ends in 1783 when British were driven out of New York

15 Began protesting taxes on tea, sugar and paper and eventually won a revolution that gave the colonies complete independence.

16 What Made it Revolutionary?
Although the Patriots originally couldn't decide whether they wanted a constitutional monarchy (like Britain) or a republic, they eventually overthrew the King of England (George III) Every European government, at the time, was a monarchy, most were absolute monarchies, so this was the first real republic First colony to overthrow its mother country First country to be established on democratic principals Americans viewed themselves as “equal,” no one was better than anyone else (as long as they were white and male)

17 Why wasn’t it revolutionary
Only 10-15% of American’s were actually equal (white land owners) and could vote 30% of the United States were slaves British freed slaves long before the Americans

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