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These are editable calendars you can edit on PowerPoint

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1 These are editable calendars you can edit on PowerPoint
These are editable calendars you can edit on PowerPoint. You can click on the square (date) you want to type in. You can change your font size etc. as you wish. When you are finished typing in the square, you can tab over to the next one or click on the date you would like to type in next. The top on and bottom of the page has an area for you to type notes, headings etc. If you would like these areas blank, you just click on the edge of the text box and click delete.

2 Or click on edge of this box and delete.
Type your Text Here! Or click on edge of this box and delete. Type your Text Here! Or click on edge of this box and delete.

3 Or click on edge of this box and delete.
Type your Text Here! Or click on edge of this box and delete. Type your Text Here! Or click on edge of this box and delete.

4 Mrs. Scherr’s Snack Calendar
Please remember to send peanut-free snacks! Thank you so much.

5 Mrs. Scherr’s Snack Calendar.
August  27 Elizabeth 28 Colby 29 Remmy 30 Elijah 31 Bria No School Matthew Zoey and Madelyn’s Birthday! Chan Jaxon Evey Gus Khloe Chestyn Ethan Anna John Caleb Harper Cooper Lucas’ Birthday! Please remember to send peanut-free snacks! Thank you so much. Turn over for the October calendar 

6 Gus’ Birthday! Bria Matthew Chan No School Jaxon Khloe’s Birthday! Evey Chestyn Ethan Zoey Anna John Madleyn Caleb Lucas Harper Cooper Elizabeth Colby Remmy Halloween Party! Thank you for all of your support and providing healthy snacks for the kids! It is greatly appreciated.

7 Eli Bria Matthew Chan Jaxon Evey JC’s Birthday! Gus Khloe Chestyn Ethan Zoey Anna Thanksgiving Feast! No School JC Madelyn Caleb Lucas Harper Thank you all for helping to provide snack for the kids. Having a snack each day is beneficial to their growth and learning!

8 Mrs. Scherr’s Birthday Cooper Elizabeth Colby Remmy Eli Bria Matthew
Chan Evey Gus Jaxon’s Birthday! Khloe Harper’s ½ Birthday Celebration Christmas Party! Christmas Eve Merry Christmas

9 No School Remmy’s Birthday! (Jan 7) Matthew’s Birthday! (Jan 3) Chestyn Ethan Zoey Anna JC Madelyn Caleb Lucas Harper Elizabeth’s Birthday! Bria’s Birthday! Cooper Evey’s ½ Birthday! (July 29) Colby Eli

10 Ethan’s ½ Birthday! (August 1)
Chan Jaxon Gus Khloe Chestyn Zoey Anna JC Madelyn Lucas No School Harper Cooper Elizabeth Caleb’s Birthday! Colby Remmy Eli Chestyn’s Birthday!

11 Or click on edge of this box and delete.
Type your Text Here! Or click on edge of this box and delete. Type your Text Here! Or click on edge of this box and delete.

12 Or click on edge of this box and delete.
Type your Text Here! Or click on edge of this box and delete. Type your Text Here! Or click on edge of this box and delete.

13 Or click on edge of this box Or click on edge of this box and delete.
Type your Text Here! Or click on edge of this box and delete. Type your Text Here! Or click on edge of this box and delete.

14 Or click on edge of this box and delete.
Type your Text Here! Or click on edge of this box and delete. Type your Text Here! Or click on edge of this box and delete.

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