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Software Usability Course notes for CSI University of Ottawa

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1 Software Usability Course notes for CSI 5122 - University of Ottawa
2019 Deck B: Required Student Work Timothy C. Lethbridge < >

2 Grading scheme details
20% Everybody writes a final exam unless you already have A+ (> 90%) from the other components multiplied by 1.25 80%: Coursework as follows a) 10%. Either - i. 7 minute oral summary of an assigned paper (P1-P10) in class ii. 7 minute lightning presentation from your work in b or c iii. A post for my course blog, an overview of work on b or c for the public b) 30%: Research (literature review) paper (8-12 pages) c) 40%. Evaluation Project: Either - i. A formal experiment with 5+ users, and writing up (10-12 pages including charts, statistical analysis and screen shots) ii. Standard heuristic evaluation or cognitive walkthrough of a user interface, followed by a think-aloud evaluation with at least two users (12-15 pages, including figures Deck B: Student Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

3 Schedule and Deadlines
Deck B: Student Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

4 Approval of work choices
Send an by January 16 Subject line: CSI5122 Work choices <your name> Body: lastname=<your lastname> firstname=<your firstname> Stnum=<studentnumber> partA=< summary | lightning | blogpost > partB=<research paper topic in 1-5 words> partC=< experiment | standard > Deck B: Student Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

5 First come first served for certain work choices
I need some paper summaries, and I need some lightning presenations So it is first-come-first-served on your choices for part A Those who send later might be assigned a different choice I reserve the right to adjust your research topic I may give special permission for some presenations to be longer than just 7 minutes if I particularly like your experiment, research report or evaluation Deck B: Student Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

6 Deck B: Student Work To Do
On lateness If you do not give me your work choices, I will assign them 5% marks lost per day for each item that is late If you drop the course, PLEASE let me know so I can give your presentation time slots to others Deck B: Student Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

7 How to do the various work items
We will learn in later classes how to do the work tasks described What constitutes a good research paper How to run an experiment and analyse the results How to do different types of evaluation and present the results Deck B: Student Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

8 Research papers: Ideas for finding topics
Browse the literature I will give you some techniques for this later in this slide deck I will not allow certain topics if I am going to teach them in class More on searching for literature and example topics is covered in a separate deck Deck B: Student Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

9 Research paper basic criteria
Must be written in the same style as if you are submitting a paper to a journal or top conference E.g. SIGCHI, ICSE We will be reading many papers in the course, so you can learn from the style of those papers But I will also point out some bad things to avoid You must have at least 6 peer-reviewed references (from good conferences or journals) You must analyze what you have read Just giving me lots of facts is no good At all costs, avoid plagiarism. To avoid getting zero on the work or F in the course Deck B: Student Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

10 Evaluation project basic criteria
The system can be any of: open source commercial your thesis topic something from a work environment (past or present) websites that have reasonably complex interaction Everyone must be able to view screenshots of it, so avoid highly confidential software You must follow the procedures we will learn about Deck B: Student Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

11 Interim feedback on draft materials
Optional: Send me a draft of a research report or evaluation or experiment by the deadline (Jan 30 / Mar 6) I will skim it in about 5 minutes and give you 2-3 ideas for improvement I will not have time to read it in detail at the draft stage, so I can’t guarantee that I find any or all faults But I will give you some basic feedback Also optional: Send me your presentation slides 3 working days before your lightning presentation date. I will give you a URL for sending me drafts. Deck B: Student Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

12 Experiment plans involving people
Mandatory: Send me a 3 page summary the design of any experiment by February 27th So you don’t waste people’s time Deck B: Student Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

13 Deck B: Student Work To Do
Motivational example Skype for the Mac Creating a group of users Accidentally deleting a conversation Deck B: Student Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

14 Deck B: Student Work To Do
Homework For next week please read: Regina Nuzzo, “Scientific method: Statistical errors: P values, the 'gold standard' of statistical validity, are not as reliable as many scientists assume.” Nature, 12 Feb 2014, Deck B: Student Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

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