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Changes against the background of digitization

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1 Changes against the background of digitization
Institut für Bildung, Beruf und Technik Abteilung: Technik und ihre Didaktik Changes against the background of digitization How have or will job profiles change? New requirements and competences through digitization Prof. Dr. Lars Windelband Selected slides for teaching unit B1

2 Development industry 1.0 to 4.0
Four stages of the industrial revolution Stage: End 18th century = First mechanical production plants operated with water and steam power  1784 First mechanical loom Stage: Beginning 20th century = Introduction of labor-intensive mass production with the help of electrical energy  1870 First production line (slaughterhouse in Cincinnati) 3. Stage: Beginning 1970 = Use of electronics and IT for further automation of production  First programmable logic controller 4. Stage: Cyber-physical systems: Real objects and virtual processes are linked  Industry 4.0 – networked production

3 Networked machines - and people decide cooperatively!
Quelle: Fraunhofer IAO / Ergebnispräsentation

4 Industry 4.0: paradigm shift in industry
Objectives of Industry 4.0 From Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0 Technology fields of Industry 4.0 Impact of Industry 4.0 De-Qualification Computer scientist Human as controller Human as a robot Job killer Problem solver Proczess controller Data analyst Networker Controller of processes (Quelle: BITKOM) Flexibilization of production Lot size 1 Higher productivity High reactivity Shorter lead time Availability of all relevant information in real time Networking of value chain Individual series production

5 Networking in all sectors - Economy 4.0
Industry 4.0 – Internet of Things – Everything becomes autonomous Quelle: Hirsch-Kreinsen 2015

6 Changed requirements through digitization
Changes in the technical work Plant maintenance: Reading and interpreting plant operating data, troubleshooting in sensors / actuators (mastering signal processing). Troubleshooting and their causes at plants of high complexity, which are increasingly networked with other components / machines / plants. Independently support process optimization, ensure information gathering and bring ideas for improvement from daily activities. Hybrid task perception of the specialists at the plants (mechanical, electrical / electronic and software-based tasks). Quelle: bayme vbm Studie Industrie 4.0

7 Core results of the bayme study
Developing a process understanding - Holistic thinking in process contexts, thinking in networked systems and interdisciplinary contexts. Collaboration and partnership in networked processes and value chains across different domains and hierarchies.. New job descriptions are not considered necessary. However, a significant modification (reorientation) of the M + E professions with a process and digitization perspective, which must focus on networking, digitizing processes and designing smart workplaces, is required. Quelle: bayme vbm Studie Industrie 4.0

8 Requirements of other studies (VDMA study and BIBB-VW study)
Conclusions BIBB-VW study (Zinke i.a. 2017): IT skills have gained a higher status and are standing in a professional, system and process context, Profiles are qualifications for system and process understanding as well as problem solving, Core competences for this are to be conveyed in the vocational training (core occupation) and must be developed within the scope of further education and work. Conclusions VDMA study (Pfeiffer i.a. 2016): Dealing with increased complexity [...] more or new competences "(p. 87) are required or / and that an "even stronger link between different professional domains" (p. 90) is required.

9 Change of perspective in vocational education
Defining process understanding new - networking must be placed at the center of training „ Professionals need to think and optimize systems and their function from the processes and software. "(Expert Workshop) The software-technical networking with the associated CPS elements is continuously disseminated. As a result of an increasing diffusion of Industry 4.0, systems and machines must always be thought of and considered by networking, CP-systems, software and Process integration This significantly changes the interaction between human and machine. Quelle: bayme vbm Studie Industrie 4.0

10 Skills for the future - comprehensive
Personal competences in the context of action • Self-management Self-control of work actions in dynamic structures and processes • Holistic thinking Thinking in networked systems and interdisciplinary contexts • Individual responsibility Willingness to include networked and interdisciplinary problem solving requirements • Willingness to learn Self-learning competence for an individually designed, adaptive and multimodally supported qualification in the work process Social competences in the context of action • Communication skills Communication about mutual experiences, about different solutions to problems with increasing dynamics, complexity and change • Ability to act Collaboration and partnership cooperation in networked processes and value chains • Ablility to integrate Willingness to build social relationships in process-related networks • Ability to work in a team Flexible, team-oriented work action, even in virtual work situations

11 Skills for the future - comprehensive
Digitization of work - comprehensive • Online communication Voting, coordination, disposition, • Data entry, data analysis Process control, data and quality management, • Data processing and transfer Part numbers, data analysis, process data, • Online search and research Instructions, descriptions of functions, problem solving • Online learning Qualification modules, blog, learning platform, .... Data protection and information security – comprehensive Data protection (personal data / privacy) - hazards, risks - Legal framework - Activities - Code of Conduct • Information technology security (digital systems / networking) - General conditions / framework - Threat situations - Organizational and technical measures / strategies

12 Learning within digital processes
Aim Knowledge transfer and problem solving Learning 4.0 as a constructive, active, self-directed, social and cooperative process Acquisition of knowledge /abilities Collaborative technologies (Blended learning, virtual classroom by using web 2.0, wiki, chats ...) Interactive technologies (CBT, WBT,… Information transfer Distributive technologies (hypertext or hyper media systems) Procedure formally

13 Evaluation & conclusions on VET 4.0
Further develop of the value of VET; Inter-occupational tasks (between the industrial-technical and commercial occupations) within a business and work process to Industry 4.0 are still the exception; Focuses of further training are too limited to automation technology (and often only related to technology) - work process reference is missing; Concrete didactic concepts for the promotion of holistic thinking in process contexts as well as thinking in networked systems are the exception – the implementation of the digitization has so far been restricted mainly to technological offers

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