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Annotated Bibliography

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1 Annotated Bibliography
Peer Review

2 Supplies Needed three highlighters (yellow, pink, and blue)
pen or pencil

3 Step 1: Citations - Highlight in yellow; make corrections as needed.
Website: Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of the Article or Individual Page.” Title of the website, Name of the publisher, Date of publication, URL. O'Brien, Jane. “Shakespeare's Evolving Attitudes Towards Women.” BBC News, BBC, 27 Apr. 2015, Academic Journal (Galileo): Schafer, Markus H., et al. "Childhood (Mis)Fortune, Educational Attainment, and Adult Health: Contingent Benefits of a College Degree?." Social Forces, vol. 91, no. 3, 01 Mar. 2013, pp EBSCOhost,proxygsu- direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ999648&site=eds- live&scope=site.

4 Each article title, book title, journal title, database title, and website title should feature title caps. Step 2: Title Caps INCORRECT CORRECT “Shakespeare’s evolving attitudes towards women” “Shakespeare’s Evolving Attitudes Towards Women” If there are any capitalization errors in the citations, fix them now.

5 Step 3: ABC Order Check to see that the annotated bibliography is in alphabetical order by the FIRST WORD of each entry: EXAMPLE Bloom, Harold... (author) “Chess and the Workplace”...(article) Franklin, David... (author) Nepal’s Mountains... (website title)

6 HIGHLIGHT in PINK each sentence that specifically reports information.
CONSIDER EACH SENTENCE as you read. These sentences may contain quotations or just paraphrases/summaries. There should be several sentences here. Look back at the sample in your packet - if there is less information than in the sample, write “Add more information” next to the paragraph. Step 4: Information

7 In-Text Citations (Information Con’t)
If a source has a known author AND page numbers, your citation will contain both: Lead in: “blah blah blah” (Rowling 47). If a source has a known author and no page numbers, your citation will only include the author’s’ last name: Lead in says, “blah blah blah” (Majka). If a source has no known author and no page numbers, your citation will only include the article’s title, which is written in quotation marks: Your words “blah” more “blah” (“Situational Archetypes in Harry Potter”).

8 Step 5: Evaluation HIGHLIGHT in BLUE the sentences that specifically evaluate the source and those that tell readers how the student will use the source in her/his project. (There should be at least 2-3 developed sentences.) If ONE of these components is missing, make a note. Is the student’s assessment appropriate? If not, write “Revise evaluation” next to the paragraph. Found in database Published in scholarly journal/book Author is an expert (professor? Museum employee?) Tone/Word choice (diction) is academic and professional Published on a .edu or .gov site

9 Step 6: MLA Formatting Double check that your peer’s formatting is correct: Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double spaced, last name and page numbers present in the header Header: Example: Student Name Teacher Name Class Title and Period Date of Submission Fakey McStudent Mrs. Rayna Smith World Literature, 3rd Period 7 November 2018

10 Step 7: Hanging Indent See the sample again

11 Hanging Indent Directions (option 1)
3 2

12 Hanging Indent Directions (option 2)
1 3 2

13 Step 8: Proofreading/ Editing
Reread each entry for proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. Make any corrections necessary.

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