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Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Look at the following word, sentence and picture. Use context clues to write a definition for the word. Puny: ___________________.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Look at the following word, sentence and picture. Use context clues to write a definition for the word. Puny: ___________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Look at the following word, sentence and picture. Use context clues to write a definition for the word. Puny: ___________________ The mouse looked puny compared to the lion. Begin logging on to iLit.

2 Puny The mouse looked puny compared to the lion. Pandemonium After the bomb went off, there was lots of pandemonium. Ignorant Some people are ignorant of rules and laws in foreign countries. Adherents The Governor was followed by his adherents. Wanly The sick child wanly walked to the couch.

3 Puny Small and weak The mouse looked puny compared to the lion. Pandemonium Chaos (craziness) After the bomb went off, there was lots of pandemonium. Ignorant Unaware Some people are ignorant rules and laws in foreign countries. Adherents Followers The Governor was followed by his adherents. Wanly Weakly The sick child wanly walked to the couch.

4 Invincible When Popeye ate _________, he knew he was invincible.
Impression The hunter’s first impression of Big Foot was that he was ________. Fearsome Sesame Street was terrorized by the fearsome Oscar the Grouch when he _________________. Confrontation Barney the Dinosaur and Godzilla often got in confrontations over _______________. Quest Zak and Wheezie could never go on a quest because they couldn’t ______________. an angry situation or meeting between two or more people an idea or feeling about someone or something impossible to defeat or overcome a journey or long trip to search for something that is not easy to find Causing dread or terror; frightening

5 6. Divulged Even Batman doesn’t divulge _____________.
7. Devised The knights devised a way to defeat the _________. 8. Decline Darth Vader chose to decline Yoda’s invitation to _________. 9. Abide When people don’t abide by the rule not to text and _________, serious consequences occur. 10. Toxic A combination of prescription ________ and other drugs or alcohol can be toxic. F. accept or tolerate G. harmful; damaging; poisonous H. planned or created something I. to politely refuse to do or accept something J. gave information that is private or secret



8 Agenda Time (min.’s) Unit: Learning
Essential Question: How does learning change the way we see ourselves? 10 Warm-Up: Vocabulary 5 Vocabulary: Vocabulary Review 15 Read Aloud: N/A Classroom Conversation: N/A Whole Group: “The Grade” Assessment will be administered the entire period. 35 Work Time: The Grade Assessment; Unit 4 Benchmark Test; (Interactive Reading, Finish Word Slam, Finish 4.15 Reading Check, Finish iPractices, Independent Reading) Wrap-Up

9 4.1 Unvanquished: a word describing something that hasn’t been defeated The alien was set to face off against his unvanquished foe in a game of ______________. Consequences: the effect of something that happened earlier The robot told the alien to _________________, or suffer the consequences. 4.2 Demeanor: someone’s appearance and behavior The Tasmanian Devil’s demeanor is very ____________. Invincible: impossible to defeat or overcome When Popeye ate _________, he knew he was invincible. 4.3 Intruding: entering a place without being invited Garfield _________ Odie for intruding on his nap. Impression: an idea or feeling about someone or something The hunter’s first impression of Big Foot was that he was ________. 4.4 Deficiency: A lack or a shortage of something that is needed. Cookie Monster had a deficiency of _______, so he ______. Fearsome: Causing dread or terror; frightening. Sesame Street was terrorized by the fearsome Oscar the Grouch when he _________________.

10 4.6 Confrontation: an angry situation or meeting between two or more people Barney the Dinosaur and Godzilla often got in confrontations over _______________. Quest: a journey or long trip to search for something that is not easy to find Zak and Wheezie could never go on a quest because they couldn’t ______________. 4.7 Artifact: an object that was made by a human long ago and has historical value The treasure hunter ___________ when he discovered the ancient artifact. Divulged: gave information that is private or secret Even Batman doesn’t divulge _____________. 4.8 Devised: planned or created something The knights devised a way to defeat the _________. Accomplished: succeeded in doing or completing something Boo finally accomplished winning over Mike and Sully by ___________. 4.9 Decline: to politely refuse to do or accept something Darth Vader chose to decline Yoda’s invitation to _________. Scuttling: running with sort steps It is so much fun to watch ____________ scuttling over my breakfast in the morning.

11 4.11 Intervention: care or treatment that is given to improve a situation Due to a problem with _______________, the student had to receive _____________ intervention. Expression: a word or group of words used to communicate a particular idea or feeling Thanks to memes, there are many different expressions used by _____________. 4.12 Abide: accept or tolerate When people don’t abide by the rule not to text and _________, serious consequences occur. Toxic: harmful; damaging; poisonous A combination of prescription ________ and other drugs or alcohol can be toxic. 4.13 Paralyzed: Unable to think clearly or act normally Coyote was paralyzed when he realized _________________. Deprived: To have something taken away by force Some people have a difficult time staying awake when they are deprived of __________. 4.14 Dysfunctional: unable to act, work, or behave in a normal or acceptable way, especially with other people Norton’s ability to get the job done was _______, but his planning was dysfunctional. Injustice: a situation in which a person or group of people are treated unfairly and denied their rights Morris couldn’t help but to feel the injustice when he received his __________.

12 Wrap Up What makes Loretta Lee do what she does?

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