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American Government Chapter 2 Section 2.

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1 American Government Chapter 2 Section 2

2 Toward Revolution Growth of Political Power
Reality of Geographical Deterrents to Royal Rule King George III Ascends to Power Parliament Increases Taxes on Colonies Colonies have no Representation in Parliament Forced Quartering of Troops

3 Attempts at Unity New England Federation, 1643
Albany Plan of Union, 1754 Stamp Act Congress, 1765 Declaration of Rights and Grievances sent to Crown Nine of Thirteen Colonies Participate

4 Catalysts of Change Boycott Boston Massacre, 1770
Committees of Correspondence, 1774 Declaration of Rights sent to Crown Boycott of British Goods by All Colonies

5 Second Continental Congress
Continental Army Organized De Facto First Government of New Nation Declaration of Independence, 1776 Thomas Jefferson John Locke Richard Henry Lee

6 Common Features of State Governments
Popular Sovereignty Limited Government Civil Rights and Liberties Separation of Powers/Checks and Balances

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