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DO’s & TIPs DON’Ts & CONSEQUENCES ➢ study with honesty

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1 DO’s & TIPs DON’Ts & CONSEQUENCES ➢ study with honesty
➢ produce and submit your own work ➢ give credit to the works, ideas, and words of others through proper referencing ➢ support your peers but do NOT do work for them ➢ academic cheating (getting someone else to do your assessments – paid or not) ➢ plagiarism (copying ideas & words without referencing) ➢ self-plagiarism (re-submitting the same work without tutor’s permission) ➢ collusion (receiving from, or giving to, your peers quiz answers, assignment drafts, exam help, etc) DO’s & TIPs DON’Ts & CONSEQUENCES ➢ Learn our best tips: Study with Integrity ➢ Check FAQs to avoid common mistakes ➢ Assess your assignment against Academic Integrity Checklist prior to submission ➢ Ask for help from Study Smart advisors (F2F or online) ➢ Warning on your student record ➢ Reduction of a mark ➢ Revocation of an award ➢ Expulsion from University ➢ Degrading your reputation ➢ Ban from entering your chosen profession ➢ Lost opportunities to learn

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