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What Makes Us Civilized?

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Presentation on theme: "What Makes Us Civilized?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Makes Us Civilized?

2 G. Government

3 G. R. Government Religion

4 G. R. E. Government Religion Economy

5 G. R. E. A. Government Religion Economy Arts/Agriculture

6 G. R. E. A. T. Government Religion Economy Arts/Agriculture Technology



9 Mesopotamia—”land between the rivers”
Earliest civilization Located in the fertile crescent (why do you think they call it this?) Between what two rivers? Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Why here? PROS CONS Fertile land Crossroads for Europe, Africa, and Asia (good for trade) Few barriers to protect from invasion Diversity makes it difficult to unite (causes conflict) Unpredictable flooding

10 Sumerians 3000 BCE

11 Government of Mesopotamia
City State—city and surrounding countryside Priests and military leaders ruled Dynasties (series of rulers from single family) Power came from gods

12 Hammurabi King of Babylon (located in Mesopotamia)
Created the FIRST WRITTEN code of LAWS!!! How is WRITTEN LAW going to change society? All about being “fair” Eye for an eye Punishment should fit the crime!

13 Hammurabi’s Code STELE

14 Religion of Mesopotamia
Polytheism— Belief in more than one god Gods control the world and humans are servants to the gods The afterlife was a gloomy, dark place

15 Economy of Mesopotamia
Barter System—trade resources found in their area for resources found in other areas Architecture of Mesopotamia Ziggurat—Used for government and worship

16 Technology of Mesopotamia
Arches Columns Ramps Ziggurat Irrigation Systems Arithmetic Farming Cuneiform

17 Cuneiform Sumerians created Cuneiform (the EARLIEST form of writing!!!!) Cuneiform means “wedge shaped” Written on clay tablets A new job was created SCRIBES

18 Sumerian Scribes— professional record keeper
Over 500 characters required years of schooling.

19 Vocab to know Hieroglyphics- using a PICTURE to stand for an idea. Egyptians form of writing. Scribe- professional record keeper Cuneiform- a system of writing, meaning “wedge-shaped”. Developed by the Sumerians.

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