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Ms. Peterson's Physical Education Class

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1 Ms. Peterson's Physical Education Class
Exploring the themes...

2 HYGIENE What is “hygiene?” Think about what this word means to you for a few seconds. Using the following sentence frame, explain to your partner what “hygiene” is: “I believe that hygiene is __________________.

3 HYGIENE Some questions we will be exploring regarding this topic include: What does “good” hygiene look like? What sorts of routines and practices lead to good hygiene? What are the benefits of having good hygiene? What does “bad” hygiene look like? What sorts of routines and practices lead to bad hygiene? How is bad hygiene harmful?

4 Extreme Sports What makes a sport extreme? Think about this for a few seconds. Share with your partner using the following sentence frame: A sport should be considered extreme if _____________________.

5 Extreme Sports Some questions we will explore for this theme include:
What makes a sport “extreme?” What are the most popular extreme sports? Who can do extreme sports? What sorts of safety practices should be in place to do extreme sports? How do athletes get into extreme sports?

6 First Aid/CPR Think for a second about the terms “First Aid” and “CPR.” What do you know about these terms? Tell your partner what you know about First Aid. Tell your partner what you know about CPR.

7 First Aid/CPR Questions related to this theme include:
What exactly does “First Aid” mean? Who can perform First Aid? What procedures fall under First Aid? When should First Aid be performed? What are the rules for safe First Aid? What does “CPR” mean? Who can perform CPR? What does CPR actually do? What does CPR look like? What should CPR be performed? What are the rules for CPR?

8 Healthy Weight/BMI Think for a moment about why maintaining a healthy weight might be important..... Turn to your partner and use the following sentence frame to describe why maintaining healthy body weight is important: “Maintaining a healthy body weight is important because ___________. “

9 Healthy Weight/BMI Questions related to this theme:
What does BMI stand for? How do I calculate my BMI I? What is a normal BMI? What is a high BMI? My BMI is high, what does that mean? My BMI is normal, what does that mean? How can I maintain a healthy BMI? What is a healthy weight for my height?

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