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WELCOME TO OPEN HOUSE. Vicki Coffman Computer Science I and II and Web II (Independent Study in Technology Applications)

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO OPEN HOUSE. Vicki Coffman Computer Science I and II and Web II (Independent Study in Technology Applications)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Vicki Coffman Computer Science I and II and Web II (Independent Study in Technology Applications)

3 CSI Topics Variables and constants Data types Program input/output Data abstraction and encapsulation Control structures Boolean logic Program design

4 CSI Topics One-dimensional arrays Algorithms –Searching –Sorting –Traversal –Insertion –Deletion

5 CSII Topics Continuation of CSI topics, plus Stacks, queues, linked lists, binary trees, heaps, maps, sets Hashing Two-dimensional arrays Algorithm analysis and Big-O

6 Web II Topics Web design principles –Planning –Page design –Writing style –Use of graphics –Site navigation –Etc. Programming languages –Java –JavaScript –Others?

7 Java // // This program demonstrates one-way selection with. // Run the program twice. First with Sales equals to 300,000 // and a second time with Sales equals 500,000. public class Java0401 { public static void main (String args[]) { System.out.println("\nJAVA0401.JAVA\n"); double sales = 300000.00; double bonus = 250.00; if (sales >= 500000.0) bonus += 500.0; System.out.println("Yearly bonus: " + bonus); System.out.println(); }

8 Reminder to Self! Show Show message board

9 AP Information AP gives students an opportunity to take college- level courses and exams while still in high school. Students enjoy the challenge of taking AP courses with enthusiastic classmates and teachers; high school faculty find that AP courses enhance their students' confidence and academic interest as well as their school's reputation; and college faculty report that AP students are far better prepared for serious academic work.

10 UIL Information From The University Interscholastic League offers the most comprehensive literary and academic competitive program in the nation. These activities, which exist to complement the academic curriculum, are designed to motivate students as they acquire higher levels of knowledge, to challenge students to confront issues of importance, and to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of specific skills.

11 Programming Contest Information We attend numerous written and hands-on programming contests during the year. All are on Saturdays, usually from 7AM to 3PM (approximately). Information on dates will be forthcoming. I can take a maximum of six people, and favor those who do extra projects and show up for contest practice.

12 Code Wars Information HP Code Wars is a first class computer programming competition for high school students. Hosted on Hewlett-Packard's Houston campus, the Code Wars experience is unlike any other programming competition. The event successfully combines several quality ingredients: the high-tech HP environment, a wide range of programming challenges, large amounts of good "programmer" food (pizza and caffeine), music, plus loads of giveaways (including gift bags and door prizes) -- all in an exciting, stimulating, and competitive environment. In the past, I have been able to take 15 people. I favor those who do extra projects and show up for contest practice.

13 Textbook Information Exposure Java Leon Schram A+ Computer Science Stacey Armstrong

14 Misc. Information DHS website: (Note: Same as email) You can also go to, click on campuses and then click on Dulles.

15 Misc. Information You can also find school website by going to Search for fort bend isd Fort Bend website will be the first item Click down from there

16 Reminder to self-- Show website Click Courses Click Computer Click my name next to desired course (Actually, your child should be able to show you…..! ;-> )

17 Resources Section Resources for all classes are in CS1 H/AP. Other classes have a link. These were also sent home on CDNote Java tools (free). These were also sent home on CD, along with the Schram and Armstrong textbooks.

18 Calendar Section Note that you can access the same info in a different format under Homework.

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