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Mathematics in English.

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1 Mathematics in English

2 “Knowledge gates are for those …. ...who numerals knows!”

3 Primitive society These people could count.
They needed to count animals, share the profit.

4 First, they used fingers and toes for counting, then they began to take bones.

5 On this hunt there were 2 hands, 1 foot and 2 fingers
On this hunt there were 2 hands, 1 foot and 2 fingers. How many people were there?

6 2 hands -10, 1 foot- 5 and 2 fingers.
The answer: + + 2 hands -10, 1 foot- 5 and 2 fingers. So there were 17 people

7 The city of the Pyramids
The development of farming, cattle breeding and trade made people to measure and count.

8 Great information is left in papyrus recordings and Babylonian tables.

9 The great names in Mathematics:
Euclid Pythagoras Archimedes

10 Euclid put all the inventions of Greek mathematicians in thirteen books under the title “The Beginning”. For two thousands years this work was the textbook in Mathematics.

11 Fun learning Maths in English
I’m a mathematician and I’m here to say I do mathematics everyday. Sometimes I just use paper Sometimes I use my head Or maybe a drawing will do instead.

12 How many triangles are here?

13 Can you guess? 1. My 4 sides are just the same
Turn me around, I don't care I'm always the same… 2. A football shape is mine Some people think that I'm an egg But I think I look fine! …….

14 Translate these proverbs:
”One man - no man” ”To kill two birds with one stone” ” Two heads are better than one” ”Two is company, three is none” ”Custom is a second nature”

15 Make the word 1. Three plus five is … 2. Fifteen minus three is …
3. Twenty divided by two is … 4. Three times three is … 5. Nine plus twelve is … 6. Twenty - five minus seven is…


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