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Qilu International Neuroscience Symposium

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1 Qilu International Neuroscience Symposium
Non-catalytic role of acetylcholinesterease (AChE) in the regulation of glutamatergic synaptic stability Wei-Yang Lu, MD, PhD Robarts Research Institute Department of Physiology and Pharmacology University of Western Ontario Qilu International Neuroscience Symposium October 12, 2011

2 Glutamatergic and cholinergic synapses, and two isoforms of AChE in the brain
Presynaptic cholinergic Glutamatergic synapse AChE-S AChE-R Postsynaptic dendritic spine

3 Excess AChE is associated with neuronal cell apoptosis
■ Colocalization with β-amyloid protein in aged and Alzheimer's brains ─ Acta Neuropathol.1993;85(4):362-9. ■ Accelerating assembly of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides into Alzheimer's fibrils, and increasing the toxicity of Aβ. ─ Neuron 1996 Apr;16(4):881-91 ■ A major component of Senile plaques Acta Neuropathol.1990;80(6):624-8 Interaction with other proteins - +

4 The active site & the surface anionic site (SAS) of AChE
- - physostigmine BW584c51 - -

5 Blockade of the “SAS” of AChE results in an increased expression of AChE
- BW584c51 - physostigmine

6 Increased expression of AChE decreases glutamate receptor mediated currents

7 Excessive AChE reduces dendritic spines and surface glutamate receptors

8 Excess AChE decreases the number of excitatory synapses
Excessive AChE “Normal”

9 Increased expression of AChE alters the expression levels of neurexin and neuroligin
NB WT mice AChE-mice 5Wk mRNA of Nrxn-1β

10 The molecular sequence and dimensional structure of the ectodomain of Nlgn are highly homologous to that of AChE Nlgn PSD95 NR1A GluR2 esterase side Nrxn Pre- Post- AChE Hypothesis: Excessive AChE interacts with neurexin, competitively interrupting Nrxn-Nlgn association and consequently destabilizing synapses.

11 AChE co-localizes with neurexin, and can be co-precipitated with neurexin from neurons
Nrxn AChE Overlay A-1 Control BW284c51 40μm A-2 A-3 Ctrl BW Nrxn AChE B C Blot: AChE IgG α-Nrxn IP (antibody): Lysates: AChE input Control Blot: Nrxn IP (antibody): Control BW Lysates: α-AChE

12 Expressing neuronal isoforms of AChE and neurexin-1β in non-neuronal cells
AChE-S (AChE-R) cDNA Nrxn-1b G2 G1 175 83 kDa 62 Medium Lysate Vector AChE-R AChE-S Cell lysate + Membrane fraction AChE-S + + Nrxn1-1’ + + Nrxn kDa Blot: His 150 105 75 60 55 100 75 50

13 Neuronal AChE physically interacts with neurexins
IP: His Blot: AChE IP: AChE Blot: His + Co-transfection Nrxn1-1’ AChE-S 50 75 100 150 kDa AChE 70 67 105 60 55 Nrxn B + Nrxn1-1’ AChE-R IP: AChE Blot: His 60 55 Nrxn Co-transfection C + _ IP: IgG AChE Nrxn1-1’ AChE-S Blot: His 60 55 Nrxn Co-transfection

14 AChE interacts with neurexins in situ
lyset lyset Mixed B-1 A-2 Co-culture 47.5 kDa 62 Nrxn1-ß AChE-S + Physo 55kD Nrxn Separated culture + 47.5 kDa 62 B-2

15 Excess AChE reduces NRXN-NLGN association and inhibits NLGN-induced synaptogenesis
GFP Synapsin Overlay Nlgn Nlgn Ctrl AChE-S A + Nrxn1-1’ Nlgn AChE-S IgG IP: -His Blot: -Nlgn Blot: -His Nrxn B’ C Synapsin clusters

16 Excess AChE decreases glutamatergic synapses
Ctrl AChE+ Physo. Physo. * D A Perm Non-perm Overlay Physo AChE+Physo Control 20 m Control AChE + Physo Physo C B Ctrl AChE+ Physo. C’ Control AChE+

17 Increased expression of AChE reduces glutamate-induced current in neurons
Light Fluorescent 40 m B E * C Control AChE-R AChE-S * D Control AChE-R AChE-S F

18 Excess AChE decreases glutamatergic synaptic activities
Ctrl+physo AChE+physo A-2 B-1 B-2 C-1 C-2 *

19 Acknowledgments Dr. Yanna Xiang Dr. Haiheng Dong Dr. Burton B. Yang
Dr. John F. Macdonald

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