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How well do you know Canadian history?

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Presentation on theme: "How well do you know Canadian history?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How well do you know Canadian history?

2 Who were the Beothuk? The Beothuk were the original inhabitants of Newfoundland, before they were wiped out by European settlers.

3 How do you pronounce ‘Micmac’?

4 Guadeloupe is a Caribbean island with a population of 400,000
Guadeloupe is a Caribbean island with a population of 400,000. What is its connection to Canadian history? After winning a war against France in 1760, Britain offered to return Canada to them. France responded by offering to let Britain keep Canada in return for giving back Guadeloupe instead.

5 How many years did it take Canada to go from 4 provinces to 10?
80, from 1867 to 1947, when Newfoundland joined Confederation.

6 Why did Canada fight against Germany in World War One?
As part of the British Empire, Canada was at war when Britain was…by law.

7 Why is Roy Brown famous? He was the Canadian ace pilot who shot down the infamous German ‘Red Baron.’

8 Silent Screen superstar Mary Pickford was Canadian
Silent Screen superstar Mary Pickford was Canadian. What was her nickname? “America’s Sweetheart.”

9 Which Canadian discovery saves the lives of millions of people worldwide every year?
Insulin, discovered by Canadians Banting and Best. Before their discovery, diabetes was a death sentence.

10 Samuel Bronfman was one of Canada’s first billionaires
Samuel Bronfman was one of Canada’s first billionaires. How did he make his fortune? He smuggled Canadian alcohol into the United States, trading with gangsters like Al Capone.

11 In 1929 Canada reluctantly agreed that women…
Were “people.”

12 Name Canada’s longest-serving Prime Minister.
Mackenzie King was elected six times and served as Prime Minister for 21 years.

13 In 1945 the population of Canada was 11 million
In 1945 the population of Canada was 11 million. How many of these served in the armed forces during WW2? 1.1 million Canadians served in the Army, Navy and Air Force – 41% of all men between the ages of 18 and 40.

14 When did Canada enter WW1? WW2?
Canada joined World War One in 1914. Canada joined World War Two in 1939.

15 When did the United States join WW1? WW2?
The USA entered WW1 in 1917. The USA entered WW2 in 1941.

16 Which group finally won the right to vote in Canada in 1960?
Native Canadians were allowed to vote before 1960 only if they gave up their treaty rights and left their reserves.

17 Name the world famous environmental protection group founded by two Canadians in 1969.

18 Identify the percentage of Quebecois who voted to separate Quebec from Canada in 1995.

19 Did Canadians fight with the U.S. “Coalition of the Willing” in 2003?
No! Canada remained neutral, despite President Bush’s statement that “you are either with us or against us.”

20 At the beginning of the 20th century, wheat was Canada’s most valuable export. What was it at the beginning of the 21st century? Crude oil – in 2010, Canada exported more than $50 billion worth of it, making it the biggest source of oil for the USA.

21 What did this ‘review’ of Canadian History teach you?

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