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Latin America’s Environmental Issues

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1 Latin America’s Environmental Issues
Air pollution in Mexico City and the destruction of the rain forest in Brazil © Brain Wrinkles

2 Air Pollution in Mexico City
© Brain Wrinkles

3 Mexico City Mexico City is the second-most populated city in the world with nearly 20 million people living there. The high population has created a serious air pollution problem in the city. In fact, Mexico City is considered to be one of the most polluted cities in the world. © Brain Wrinkles

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6 Causes Mexico City’s air pollution is caused by emissions from automobiles and factories. The Sierra Madre mountains are like walls that surround the city and trap in polluted air (called smog). Because there is not enough wind to blow the smog over the mountains, it continues to accumulate day after day. © Brain Wrinkles

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9 Effects People living in the city breathe in toxic gases and chemicals daily, which can lead to respiratory illnesses. Mexico City’s high level of pollution can also harm eyes and cause heart problems. © Brain Wrinkles

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11 Solutions To reduce air pollution, the city promotes public transportation (buses, subway, bikes, etc.). The city is also testing buses that run on cleaner burning fuels. The Mexican government is starting to limit how often you can drive your car and has adopted stricter emission inspections. © Brain Wrinkles

12 Destruction of the Amazon Rainforest
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13 Amazon Rainforest The Amazon rainforest is located in Brazil and is the largest rainforest left in the world today. It’s home to a huge variety of plants, trees, insects, birds, and animals. The Amazon rainforest produces one-third of the earth’s oxygen and is nicknamed the “lungs of the earth”. © Brain Wrinkles

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15 Causes In the 1950s, the Brazilian government began building a major highway system, which opened the rainforest up to loggers. Huge parts of the rain forest are being cut down to plant crops using the “slash and burn” farming method. Cattle ranching and mining have also become prevalent in this area. © Brain Wrinkles

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20 Effects Due to deforestation of the rainforest, millions of plants and animals have lost their habitats, which has caused many to become endangered and even extinct. The loss of trees has also increased carbon dioxide, which is a gas that contributes to climate change and global warming. © Brain Wrinkles

21 © Brain Wrinkles

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