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End of Year Targets (see

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1 Helping with your Child’s Development in Mathematics Year 4 September 2018

2 End of Year Targets (see
Your child should achieve most of these targets by the end of Year 4. A target may be more complex than it seems, e.g. children may be able to subtract 497 from 506 by writing it in columns without realising it is quicker to count on from 497 up to 506 in their heads. Work your way through these targets with your child at home, by: Putting a tick beside the areas that they are comfortable with. Explaining the areas that they find difficult.

3 Addition 55 + 37 = 55 + 30 + 7 = 85 + 7 = 92 367 + 185 = Either Or
Partitioning into Tens and Units Children in Year 4 learn to either partition both numbers and recombine or partition the second number only e.g. = = = 92 Add the nearest multiple of 10, then adjust Example: is the same as Pencil and paper procedures = Either Or = 552 140 400 552 Leading to Carrying Over 367 +185 552 1 1 U T H H T U

4 Subtraction The children in Year 4 learn to find a small difference by counting up from the smaller to the larger number, e.g. 5003 – 4996 = 7 Subtract the nearest multiple of 10, then adjust Example: 780 – 490 is the same as 780 – Borrowing from a neighbour Example: 4 7 - 3 9 ____

5 Fact Families + = + = - = - = 23 11 12
Fact families are used to show the children the relationship between addition and subtraction. 23 + = + = - = - =

6 Multiplication 18 x 9 = 18 x 9 = (10 x 9 = 90) + (8 x 9 = 72) = 162
Initially the children in Year 4 use arrays to work out more difficult multiplication equations, e.g. 18 x 9 = They then begin to partition longer multiplication equations: Or they use the grid method of multiplication: 233 x 7 = 18 x 9 = (10 x 9 = 90) + (8 x 9 = 72) = 162 X 200 30 7 1,400 210 3 21 = 1,631

7 Division Sharing and Grouping 30 ÷ 6 can be modelled as:
Grouping – groups of 6 placed on number line and the number of groups counted e.g. Sharing – 30 shared between 6 people: + 6 12 18 24 30

8 Division (continued) 72 ÷ 5 41 ÷ 4 = 10 r1 Remainders
Pencil and paper procedures – chunking 72 ÷ 5 +1 +40 10 groups 41 = (10 x 4) + 1 72 (10 groups) ___ 22 (4 groups) = 14 r2 72 = 50 ÷ 5 = 10 22 ÷ 5 = 4 r2 10 + 4r2 = 14 r2

9 Fact Families x = x = ÷ = ÷ = 24 3 8
Fact families can be used for multiplication and division: 24 3 8 x = x = ÷ = ÷ =

10 Fractions Adding and Subtracting Fractions with the Same Denominator

11 Using Mathematics in your Child’s Daily Life (see https://www
Have a quick look at the booklet now. Read in detail at home and try to make use of the games and question asking as much as you can. Math is All Around Us!

12 Resources Maths Mat Clocks 2D & 3D Shape Bag

13 Times Tables Challenge

14 Interactive Games - Websites

15 Feedback Form Any questions?

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