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Chemical and Physical Changes Lab

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Presentation on theme: "Chemical and Physical Changes Lab"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemical and Physical Changes Lab

2 Common Core Connection
Objective Today I will be able to: Differentiate between a physical and chemical change by recording observations in the lab Informal assessment – monitoring group interactions as they complete the lab Formal assessment – analyzing student responses to the exit ticket and lab questions Common Core Connection Value Evidence Reason abstractly and quantitatively Use appropriate tools strategically

3 Lesson Sequence Evaluate: Warm-Up Explain: Lab Safety
Explore/Elaborate: Chemical and Physical Changes Lab Evaluate: Exit Ticket

4 Warm - Up What is the difference between a physical and chemical property? What evidence of a chemical change will I look for in the lab today?

5 Objective Today I will be able to:
Differentiate between a physical and chemical change by recording observations in the lab

6 Homework Finish answering lab questions STEM Fair Due October 10

7 Agenda Warm-Up Lab Safety Chemical and Physical Changes Lab
Exit Ticket

8 Changes in Matter Through experimentation and natural occurrences, matter tends to change in either of two ways - Physical Changes - Chemical Changes

9 Physical Changes Only physical properties change
The form of matter changes, but the identity of the matter remains the same Examples: change in state (phase change), breaking a pencil, tearing paper

10 Physical Changes Phase Change – physical process in which one state of matter is transformed into another


12 Physical Changes

13 Chemical Changes Properties of original substance disappear as new substances with different properties are formed Change in chemical composition Cannot return to original form Can be detected through energy changes (temperature), change in color, emission of gas, solid formed Examples – wood burning, iron rusting, sour milk

14 Examples – Chemical or Physical Change?
A match lights when struck Wood is placed into a chipper A lump of gold is pounded into a large, thin sheet Baking powder bubbles and gives off CO2 when it is moistened A pan of water boils on the stove Hydrogen Sulfide gas causes silver to tarnish

15 Chemical and Physical Changes Lab

16 Lab Safety – Lab Preview
Closed toe shoes, goggles, aprons must be worn to participate Hair must be tied back Review Bunsen burner safety In step 3, DO NOT stare directly into the light HCl, sodium chromate and barium nitrate are in a low concentration, if you spill it just rinse it off of your skin in a sink Dispose of all chemicals in the waste container, DO NOT pour directly down the sink When you finish, return the lab area to its original state and begin working on the lab questions

17 Exit Ticket On the board, write the experiment that you had the most difficult time determining whether it was a chemical or physical change

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