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Training module EPC facilitators A role to play Add date.

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1 Training module EPC facilitators A role to play Add date

2 Energy Services Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) is a proven energy service model for modernizing mostly public buildings Energy saving measures (ESM) are outsourced to an ESCO The energy service company (ESCO) finances all investments through future energy savings guarantees energy and cost savings to the client bears the financial, technical and performance risks Nevertheless, a broad roll-out of EPC is still facing issues Add date

3 Role and added value of EPC Facilitators
EPC Facilitators can support the demand side in modernizing buildings and making them energy efficient, e.g. with: Project- and process management Collection of data Baseline development Technical and energetic knowledge (KPI’s) Tender preparation Selection and contracting of winning ESCO Legal advice Monitoring and verification Add date

4 National pools of qualified EPC facilitators
Role of the facilitator: Mediator between owner/client, (user/client) and ESCO Function of facilitators pools: Ease the access to well-qualified EPC facilitators on national level The facilitator pools will be made public, including contact details, references and specific skills Add date

5 ESCO Market Participants and role of Facilitators
(supply side) Facilitator (Intermediary) Client (Demand side) Market Technology Suppliers, construction, operation & maintenance Know-how Engineers, architects, consultants, innovation Supply (MWh) or Savings (NWh) incl. function, performances + price guarantEEs Structuring of projects Effiency & Renewables markets Energy Gas, fuel, oil, solar, woodchips Energy Service Company EPC facilitators client Legislation Laws, procurement, technical rules Money Equity capital, loans, TPF, subsidies Source: Jan W. Bleyl, 2011, IEA-DSM Task 16 Innovative Energy Services Add date

6 ‘Facilitators’ as Enablers and Link between Clients and ESCO
Energy efficiency Supplyers Facilitator as Intermediary Client ESCOs Finance, subsidy programs Consultants, Engineers, Architects, … Manufacturers, Technologies, … Project goals, feasability, ‘make or buy’? Project structuring, business model (potential) client Financial structuring, subsidies Legal structuring, ESCO contract Tender documents, procurement Proposal evaluation, contract award M & V + quality assurance, mediation Source: Jan W. Bleyl, 2013, IEA-DSM Task 16 Innovative Energy Services Add date

7 Quality criteria for EPC facilitator pools
Preparation phase Tendering phase Technical skills, e.g knowledge of HVAC systems and M&V Financial skills, e.g. financial conditions, risk management Legal skills, e.g. national law, procurement, contracting conditions Project skills, e.g. internal and external process management Social skills, e.g. excellent communicator, independent, reliable Add date

8 Criteria Preparation phase Technical skills
Knowledge of energy & indoor climate KPIs Knowledge of HVAC systems Knowledge of M&V Financial skills Financial conditions Dividing risks and risk management Legal skills Legal conditions National law Procurement Contracting conditions Project skills Process manager internal and external Social skills Excellent communicator Independent and reliable Tendering phase Technical skills Financing models Legal and juridical aspects Procurement, selection, contracting M&V Measurement and Verification Arrangements for disputes (Bonus/malus) Add date

9 Independency of EPC facilitators
For municipalities, independency is very important - there shall occur no conflicting interests As a consequnce: EPC facilitators shall not participate as a tenderer in the relevant tender EPC facilitators shall not be affiliated with bidders of the relevant tender The client can capture these conditions in the contract Client (State, hospital, etc…) Assignment Technical-economic requirements Negotiations Independent EPC facilitator Energy saving partner ESCO Energy Saving guarantEE Contract Add date

10 Self declaration * An EPC-Facilitator should:
Support and adhere the GuarantEE EPC facilitators criteria Support and adhere the values and principles of the Transparense EPC Code of Conduct Read the EESI 2020 EPC Facilitators Guideline and operate according to these principles Publish a Track record: Contact information Professional education and expertise Realised EPC projects, with references and links Alternatively: Relevant EPC Facilitator trainings completed Declaration of intention for continuously develop and train EPC Facilitator skills, e.g. follow GuarantEE trainings / webinars * Disclaimer: Only the signatories themselves are responsible for the correctness of the data provided. There will be no formal accreditation or control. * Registration is for natural persons only (senior consultant; no consultancies). Add date

11 Online Pre-Check for Energy Performance Contracting
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