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Presentation on theme: "Spectroscopy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spectroscopy

2 Spectroscopy Definition: The study of the properties of light that depend on wavelength. The rainbow produced by Isaac Newton that you see in the picture contained ALL WAVELENGTHS of light It was later learned that 2 other types of spectra exist Therefore there are 3 types of spectra

3 Continuous Spectrum Absorption Spectrum
Produced by very dense hot materials (solid, or very dense gas) Consists of uninterrupted band of color Absorption Spectrum Produced when visible light passes through a cooler gas Each element absorbs only specific wavelengths, so these spectra can be used to study the composition of stars Each black line represents where certain wavelengths were absorbed and there for did not pass through

4 Emission Spectrum Produced by a hot gas
A series of bright lines of particular wavelengths Appear in the exact same spot as the dark lines on the absorption spectrum of the same gas


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