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Challenger Middle School SAC / PTO Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Challenger Middle School SAC / PTO Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenger Middle School SAC / PTO Meeting
Please take an agenda and sign in on the sign-in sheet. Please print /name clearly Thank you! Challenger Middle School SAC / PTO Meeting September 25, 2018 5:30 pm

2 Agenda Introduction PTO/SAC Membership and Roles Vote for Officers
Welcome – Call to Order Introduction PTO/SAC Membership and Roles Vote for Officers District Advisory Committee (DAC) 17-18 School Data 18-19 Improvement Plan and Goals Good of the Order PTO Information

3 SAC Membership and Roles
Function as a council member according to established procedures by making suggestions and recommendations Participate regularly in SAC meetings and carry out council assignments Become knowledgeable about the resources of the school and community and the school’s educational program Serve as a communications link between the SAC, constituent groups, the community and the school Act as a resource person for the SAC by making available specialized information Assist in identifying resources Accept assigned responsibilities for assisting in and coordinating the implementation of new programs

4 Roles Chairperson and Co-Chair: Secretary: APPROVAL of __________
Do I have a Motion to accept Seconded Secretary: Chair - Send agenda and minutes to committee; collect info from DAC rep to share at meetings; organize all information shared at meetings in central location; facilitate meetings. Co-Chair steps in to facilitate in event chair is unable to do his/her job

5 DAC Minutes Half Cent Sales Tax Volunteerism in the District
Electronic Forms / Point Person per school District Blitz Apps for scheduling

6 District Advisory Council (DAC) Information
DAC Representative for CMS Purpose of DAC - An opportunity for members of the community to attend eight scheduled meetings to discuss topics and issues relating to the Lee County School District. Then, each DAC member reports and updates the SAC members during our meetings. Each SAC should select one representative and one alternate to represent them on the District Advisory Council. Meeting Dates: Held at the Lee County District Office at 6:00PM in the Boardroom (Colonial) September 12th, 2018 October 17th, 2018 November 14th, 2018 January 16th, 2019 February 20th, 2019 March 13th, 2019 April 17th, 2019 May 15th, 2019 Attend and take notes at DAC meeting. Share info via or at meeting to give SAC info. Bring concerns from SAC to DAC.

7 DAC Representative/Alternate
APPROVAL of __________ Do I have a Motion to accept Seconded DAC Alternate:

8 2017-2018 Challenger Assessment Results
Percent of Students Achieving Level 3 or Higher Subject Challenger District Difference ELA 61 55 +6 Math 76 62 +14 Science 64 52 +12 Social Studies 80 69 +11 CMS performed higher than district avg in all areas; (State was 54%);. Our ELA learning gains also out performed state and district including our lowest 25%, however, we feel this is an area we can improve on and this will be part of our academic goal this year.. In math, we also increased by more points than the year prior (10) and out performed state and district in prof, gains, and lowest 25%. Year prior, we were on par in science, this year we outperformed and SS, we were about the same in increases. So, each year, we outperform dist/state avg and we are also increased the degree to which we do this each year. So what are our goals for FY19?

9 ‘18-’19 School Improvement Goal
CMS ELA learning gains are higher than the district average, however, we would like to see our gains increase. The School Improvement Plan will focus on this during the FY18-19 year.

10 2018-2019 SIP School Improvement Plan
Goals: Increase percentage of students meeting proficiency in ELA from 61% to 71% Increase percentage of students making learning gains in ELA from 58% to 72% Factors impacting Student ELA Gains School Efforts to Address Issue 90 students with attendance below 90% Grades 6-8 67 students had more than one suspension Course Failures / Level 1 on FSA - 100 43 students fell into more than one category Quarterly STAR assessment data will be used to monitor progress and evaluate data to differentiate instruction. School wide high yield reading/writing strategy RACE Weekly PLCs to evaluate student data and discuss strategies that will impact lessons/reteach/enrich Reading Coach to monitor and evaluate progress on school wide basis

11 PTO Upcoming School Events
Book Fair - 11/5 - 11/9 End of Quarter 1: October 12th Family Reading Night: 11/8 PTO Funds

12 SAC/PTO 2018-2019 Meeting Dates: Meetings will be from 5:30 - 6:00 PM
Tuesday, September 25th Thursday, November 29th Thursday , March 28th Thursday, April 25th Meetings follow DAC meetings - SAC may provide concerns/questions to DAC Rep and bring them to the meetings in the month prior. Then, info is brought back to SAC.

13 Good of the Order Thank you very much for attending tonight's meeting.
Next Meeting: Review Superintendent's Vision 2020 & Vision 2030 PLEASE be sure you signed in tonight for SAC / PTO Thank you very much for attending tonight's meeting. We look forward to an OUTSTANDING YEAR!

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