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Rhaglen Dysgu Byd-eang Cymru

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1 Rhaglen Dysgu Byd-eang Cymru
Canfyddiadau Arolygu Global Learning Programme–Wales Inspection Findings

2 Prif Ganfyddiadau Main Findings O’r darparwyr a arolygwyd yn 2014/15, cyflawnodd saith ohonynt farn ragorol ar gyfer (pedair ysgol gynradd, dwy uwchradd ac un annibynnol). Cyflawnodd chwe ysgol farn anfoddhaol ar gyfer y dangosydd ansawdd hwn (pum ysgol gynradd ac un uwchradd). Of the providers inspected in 2014/15 there were seven that achieved excellent for (four primary, two secondary and one independent school). Six schools achieved unsatisfactory for this quality indictor (five primary and one secondary).

3 In the schools where ESDGC is a strength, key features include:
Prif gryfderau Main Strengths Yn yr ysgolion lle y mae ADCDF yn gryfder, mae nodweddion allweddol yn cynnwys: • pwyllgor eco sy’n cyfarfod yn rheolaidd ac sy’n cael effaith o fewn yr ysgol ac yn y gymuned ehangach • cynlluniau gwaith sy’n integreiddio themâu ADCDF ar draws y cwricwlwm • disgyblion sy’n siarad yn hyderus am ymddwyn mewn ffordd gynaliadwy ac sydd ag ymwybyddiaeth amgylcheddol ddatblygedig • ysgolion sy’n dathlu eu hamrywiaeth ddiwylliannol ac sy’n defnyddio profiadau disgyblion i ategu eu haddysgu • cyfleoedd DPP priodol i staff • cynnwys rhieni a llywodraethwyr yn yr agwedd hon ar waith ysgolion In the schools where ESDGC is a strength, key features include: • an eco-committee that meets regularly and has an impact both within the school and the wider community • schemes of work that integrate ESDGC themes across the curriculum • pupils who talk with confidence about acting in a sustainable way and have a well-developed environmental awareness • schools that celebrate their cultural diversity and use pupil experiences to support their teaching • appropriate CPD opportunities for staff • the involvement of parents and governors in this aspect of the schools work

4 Prif wendidau Main Weaknesses
Yn yr ysgolion hyn lle y mae angen datblygu ADCDF, mae’r nodweddion allweddol yn cynnwys: cyflwyno polisi neu bwyllgor ADCDF yn ddiweddar iawn, sydd wedi cael effaith gyfyngedig/lle nad oes tystiolaeth o effaith nid yw ADCDF wedi’i mapio ar draws y cwricwlwm a phrin yw’r cyfleoedd i ddisgyblion ddysgu am ddiwylliannau a gwledydd eraill nid oes aelod staff yn arwain yr agwedd hon ar waith yr ysgol In the schools where ESDGC requires development, key features include: the very recent introduction of an ESDGC policy or committee, that has limited /no evidence of impact ESDGC is not mapped across the curriculum and there are few opportunities for pupils to learn about other cultures and countries there is no member of staff taking a lead on this aspect of the school’s work

5 Prif ganfyddiadau Main Findings Wrth ddadansoddi cryfderau a gwendidau’r ddarpariaeth daearyddiaeth a hanes, cymerwyd tystiolaeth o CwA2. Gwelwyd bod y prif gryfderau a’r meysydd i’w datblygu ar gyfer y ddau bwnc yn debyg. When analysing the strengths and weaknesses of geography and history provision, evidence was taken from KQ2. The main strengths and areas for development for the two subjects were found to be similar.

6 Prif gryfderau Main Strengths Prif gryfderau: Main strengths:
mae hanes, amgylchedd a diwylliant Cymru yn aml yn cael eu haddysgu’n dda mewn hanes a daearyddiaeth caiff medrau llythrennedd eu haddysgu’n dda, gan ymdrin ag amrywiaeth o genres e.e. adalw, adrodd, ysgrifennu perswadiol ac esbonio caiff medrau llythrennedd eu haddysgu’n dda mewn daearyddiaeth, yn enwedig gwaith graffiau a medrau rhif caiff cynaliadwyedd ei addysgu’n dda mewn daearyddiaeth Main strengths: Welsh history, environment and culture are frequently taught well in both history and geography literacy skills are well taught, covering a range of genres e.g. recount, report, persuasive writing and explanation numeracy skills are well taught in geography especially graph work and number skills sustainability is taught well in geography

7 Prif wendidau Main Weaknesses
Mae’r prif wendidau mewn darpariaeth hanes a daearyddiaeth yn cynnwys: diffyg cynllunio ar gyfer rhoi sylw i fedrau dibynnu’n ormodol ar gynlluniau cyhoeddedig, yn enwedig mewn ysgolion cynradd gorddefnyddio taflenni gwaith, gan arwain at ddiffyg ysgrifennu annibynnol Main weaknesses in history and geography provision include: a lack of planning for the coverage of skills an over reliance on published schemes, especially in primary schools the over use of worksheets that leads to a lack of independent writing

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