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How to Initiate ASSET TRANSFERS.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Initiate ASSET TRANSFERS."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Initiate ASSET TRANSFERS

2 When to Initiate a Transfer:
A tagged item is moving from cost center to cost center. School to School School to Surplus (6800) Department to School Department to Department Department to Surplus (6800) Who initiates a transfer? Custodian of property Staff member(s) designated by Administrator Staff member(s) must have taken the Asset Transfer Class

3 How to Start a Transfer. Sign into Terms
Select “F” (Fixed Assets) on the Main screen

4 Select Menu “D”

5 Select Panel #3

6 3. Press [Enter] to update
1. Type in From Cost Center Number 2. Type in To Cost Center Number 3. Press [Enter] to update

7 Entering a Tag Number 6. Type in condition code of “B” for broken or “W” for working 5. Type in your Tag Number 4. Type “A” in Action Field. (“A” represents Add )

8 7. Place cursor here. Then press [F4].
Transport by: 7. Place cursor here. Then press [F4]. Pop-up will appear

9 Choose selections W01-W04 from this pop-up
W01 Manual Transfer Items manually transported by employees, such as teachers going from one school to another. W03 WAREHOUSE DRIVER Generally items going to Surplus (6800). Also large items or large number of items to be moved between cost centers. W02 Cannibalized Items Items that are being used for parts, or items that have preapproval from Warehouse supervisor to be scrapped on site with two eyewitnesses. W04 Maintenance Items Items to be repaired/replaced by Maintenance such as mowers, tractors, floor scrubbers. These items require an ELKE work order in addition to an asset transfer.

10 Choose selections W01-W04 from this pop-up
Items that are used for parts. Transported by Faculty or staff. Large Maintenance Equipment. (Mowers, Tractors, etc.) Large items or large amount of items moved with warehouse truck (items going to Surplus (6800). *See notes on Slide 9 for additional information on each transportation code. 8. Select your code and press [Enter]

11 9. If W01 selected then you must enter name of transporter
(i.e. teacher name) 10. Enter Cost Center Number of transporter

12 11. Press [Enter] to update
12. Press [F9] to switch to D04 Screen

13 Transfer should show on your cost center’s D04 screen
Click on the transfer to confirm all information is correct

14 How to Approve & Receive
Multiple Tag numbers on one transfer. If adding more tag numbers repeat steps 4, 5, & 6 for each tag (Slide 7) *** VERY IMPORTANT*** If another page is needed you MUST PRESS ENTER to update the transfer before pressing “F8” to move to next page or you may lose all information previously entered. There is a limit of 99 tag numbers per transfer (not recommended to enter 99). After last tag number entered repeat steps 11& 12 (Slide 11). Next steps are Approving and Receiving. Move on to next PowerPoint: How to Approve & Receive ASSET TRANSFERS

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