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Emotions Emotions are signals that tell your mind and body how to react. Emotions are neither good nor bad. It is normal and healthy to have and express.

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Presentation on theme: "Emotions Emotions are signals that tell your mind and body how to react. Emotions are neither good nor bad. It is normal and healthy to have and express."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotions Emotions are signals that tell your mind and body how to react. Emotions are neither good nor bad. It is normal and healthy to have and express emotions

2 Identifying You Emotions
It is important (and difficult) to identify your emotions (feelings) so that you can respond appropriately I feel: Happy Sad Angry Frustrated Lonely Rejected

3 Strong Emotions Strong emotions (like anger) can cause PHYSICAL changes in your body Red face and/or ears Heart rate increases Skin temperature rises Perspire (sweat) more Tense muscles Clenched fist Tight jaw Stomach muscle tightens Shake Hold breath Cry

4 Anger Anger is how people react to an insult, pain, rejection or frustration. It can help you stand up for yourself in an unfair situation. However, it may cause problems if you don’t know how to express it appropriately.

5 Violence Any physical force that is used to harm people or damage property.

6 Factors That Lead To Violence
Violence is viewed as a reasonable option Children as young as 2 begin copying behavior and communication patters that they are exposed to at home Studies show that you will watch approximately 18,000 hours of TV by the time you are seniors in high school 83% of children under 6 use “screen media” for an average of 120 min/day 61% of babies under 1 are put in front of a TV for an average of 80 min/day TV violence is up 75% since 1998 Sexual content has doubled

7 Factor That Lead To Violence Continued
Feeling threatened: Fight or Flight Lack of respect Peer pressure Unmanaged anger: 4 C’s of Anger Management Lack of self control

8 The 4 C’s Of Anger Management
CONTROL Deep breathing, count to 10, walk away CHANNEL Exercise, listen to music, cry, write in a journal COMMUNICATE Talk about it CONFRONT Talk to the person that you are having issues with

9 Self Control The ability to control your behavior REGARDLESS of what you are thinking or feeling

10 How Can You Avoid A Fight?
Treat others with respect Recognize the signs Keep calm Think past the situation (“Big Picture”) Walk away Give the person a way out Tell an adult Agree to disagree

11 What Is So Bad About Fighting?
Most often it does not solve the problem and creates new ones If blood is involved there is a risk of contracting a blood-borne disease (HIV, Hepatitis) You may get hurt You may be suspended, transferred (OT) or expelled There may be legal action taken against you You may disappoint your family A counter-attack may occur

12 Mediation A process to resolve conflicts with the help of a trained person who is NOT involved in the dispute. Taft High School has a Peer Mediation Group (see Mr. Mayesh)

13 Signs Of Maturity Delay personal gratification Self-control
Walking your talk Having empathy for others

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