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Learn, Enjoy, Succeed by studying History.

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1 Learn, Enjoy, Succeed by studying History.
GCSE HISTORY Learn, Enjoy, Succeed by studying History. Paper 1: EXAM 1 HOUR AND 15 MINUTES Medicine in Britain % OF GCSE This topic covers ideas about the cause of disease and illness and approaches to prevention and treatment from You will complete a number of case studies which include: Dealing with the Black Death, ; William Harvey and the discovery of the circulation of the blood; dealing with the Great Plague in London, 1665; Jenner and the development of vaccination; fighting Cholera in London and the development of the ‘wonder drug’ Penicillin. The British sector on the Western Front, : injuries, treatment and the trenches. The source paper covers life in the trenches on the Western Front with a specific focus on individuals’ roles in the front lines as well as the impact war injuries had on the development of surgery and medicine. The test will be on primary sources from the period of study. Paper 2: EXAM 1 HOUR AND 45 MINUTES Anglo-Saxon and Norman England, % OF GCSE This unit allows you to study Anglo-Saxon England on the eve of the Norman Conquest leading to the famous Battle of Hastings. You will investigate the last years of Edward Confessors’ reign and the succession crisis it triggered. We look at the three main claimants to the throne as well as reasons for William the Conqueror’s victory in We then analyse how William established his power and secured the Kingdom in the face of many rebellions, such as the revolts of Earls Edwin and Morcar and the Harrying of the North. We assess the significance of castles, cathedrals, the feudal system, Norman government and Norman aristocracy in establishing and maintaining William I rule. British America, This unit focuses on the European colonisation of America and the effect it had on trade, piracy, relations with native American Indians and the growth of the slave trade. You will study the Atlantic Slave Triangle, positions of slaves within society and the treatment of fugitive slaves within the colonies as well as analysing the reasons for slave revolts in the colonies. We investigate the various wars and rebellions between France, Britain and America and the disruption to society this caused ultimately leading to the Declaration of Independence in 1783.

2 Why study History? What careers are open to me? 
Paper 3: EXAM 1 HOUR AND 20 MINUTES Weimar and Nazi Germany, 30% OF GCSE This unit allows students to explore the effects of WWI on Germany and the subsequent creation of the Weimar Republic. We look at successes and failures of the Republic and the challenges facing it from both the left and the right of the political spectrum. We focus on the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party from 1920 until Hitler's Chancellorship in We look at the politics of creating a dictatorship focusing on the Night of the Long Knives, the establishment of the Gestapo and propaganda. The final section focuses on Nazi policy towards women, children and minorities as well as looking at the opposition to Hitler's dictatorship. Why study History? EMPLOYERS AND UNIVERSITIES VALUE HISTORY You learn skills which allow you to use evidence critically, weigh up conflicting factors and come to reasoned conclusions. Employers want independent thinkers! History encourages you to debate and express your opinions in a well structured way. This is an invaluable skill both for work and for study at university. IT IS FASCINATING Not convinced? What about the fact that History deals with every human condition and emotion that has ever been? History is a collection of stories about real people like us! Just look at the news tonight – history will be there you can’t escape it! IT HELPS YOU UNDERSTAND THE MODERN WORLD By looking at how people behaved in the past, you can make judgements about how they might behave in the future. What careers are open to me? There are a wide variety of career paths you can follow with a GCSE in History some of which include: political positions; police work; journalism; teaching and civil service; the armed forces; legal and law practice; banking and insurance; human resource management, medicine … and many more! History is a popular subject at GCSE due to the various teaching styles, new resources, supportive revision sessions and enrichment trips. For further information visit the Edexcel website, GCSE History, Specification 2017. For more information please contact Miss Walsh, Head of History

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