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Latitude and longitude: Finding a point.

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Presentation on theme: "Latitude and longitude: Finding a point."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latitude and longitude: Finding a point.

2 Warm-Up Using the U.S. Map in front of you, discuss with a partner what the lines (grid) mean.

3 Business Time…Today’s Objective’s:
SWBAT define absolute location SWBAT explain what lines of latitude and longitude measure SWBAT find a place when given its absolute location

4 Housekeeping Continents and Oceans Mastery Practice Tutorial Passes
Google account

5 Why do we have latitude and longitude?
Absolute location – the exact latitude and longitude of a location on Earth

6 What is latitude? Latitude measures distance north and south of the equator in degrees. The equator is at 0°N or S.


8 Latitude lines are parallel (they never meet).
What is latitude? Latitude lines are parallel (they never meet).

9 The Equator divides the Earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres.
What is latitude? The Equator divides the Earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres.

10 What is longitude? Longitude measures distance east and west of the Prime Meridian in degrees. The Prime Meridian is at 0 degrees East or West


12 Lines of longitude all meet at the north and south poles.
What is longitude? Lines of longitude all meet at the north and south poles.

13 What is longitude? The Prime Meridian divides the Earth into Eastern and Western hemispheres.

14 How do latitude and longitude work together?
Latitude and longitude form a grid on the Earth’s surface.



17 How do we write it? San Antonio’s Absolute Location 29.25ºN, 98.30º W

18 We are going to find : 30°N, 100°W
How do we find a point of latitude and longitude (the absolute location)? We are going to find : 30°N, 100°W The first number you see is always a latitude degree. You know that lines of latitude are (F)latitude. Find the line marked 30° that is next to a flat line. Put your right finger on 30°N

19 How do we find a point of latitude and longitude?
30°N 100°W The second number you see is a line of longitude. You know lines of longitude run UP AND DOWN. Find a line going up and down that is labeled 100° Put your left finger on 100°W Now bring both of your fingers together. Where those two lines meet, is the point of Latitude and Longitude on the map! What state did you come to? TEXAS

20 Practice makes Perfect!
Find 40°,N 110 °W Find 35°,N 120°W Find 32°,N 82 °W Utah California Georgia

21 How do we read a point of latitude and longitude aloud?
30°N 100°W would be read… thirty degrees north and one hundred degrees west.

22 REMEMBER! When we write down the coordinates of a point (it’s longitude and latitude), we write latitude first!

23 Classwork Practice finding the Absolute Location of different cities from around the world!

24 Mastery Folders Update time!

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