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End of Year (EOY) Training Module 2 – File Extraction and Submission (Returning Submissions Staff)
Welcome to Module 2 of the CSI End of Year data collection training. This particular webinar is focused on returning submissions staff, so if you happen to be new submissions contact or a returning one that is looking for more of a comprehensive look at the collection, please review module 2 End of Year training for new staff on the CSI website. Module 2 of this End of Year Webinar will be looking at the process for extracting files and submitting data to CSI for the End of Year collection. If you have questions at any point while reviewing this training, feel free to reach out to CSI and we will be more than happy to assist you.
Agenda – Module 2 End of Year File Submissions Overview
Your Presenter Ryan Hartung End of Year File Submissions Overview Interchange Files File Layouts and Definitions Student Demographic Student School Association Advanced Course Completion Title I Extracting Files File Sharing/Submitting to CSI Timelines and Deadlines As previously mentioned, the approach for this years training has been modified from previous End of Year webinars to be broken down into 4 distinct steps of the data submissions process with the second step being file submittal to CSI. In providing this information, we first will be completing an overview of the files that may need to be submitted and providing additional details of each. After doing so, we will discuss the process of extracting your files from your SIS and sharing them with CSI. We will end the module looking at timelines and deadlines.
Data Submissions in 4 Steps
Data Collection/Entry (Module 1) Submission to CSI (Module 2) Error Resolution (Module 3) Data Review (Module 4) As mentioned previously, the Data Submissions process really can be broken down into four steps: Step 1 - Data Collection and Entry Step 2 - Submissions to CSI Step 3 - Error Resolution And Step 4 - Data Review Today’s webinar will be focused on step 2 of the process and really what is needed to be done in your SIS and elsewhere to complete the process of submitting files to CSI. 1. Collect Data 2. Submit to CSI 3. Resolve Errors 4. Certify
End of Year File Overview
Let’s jump into the individuals files associated with the End of Year Collection and additional details of each of them. A look at each interchange file: SD, SSA, ACC, Title I
EOY Files To create the EOY snapshot, each school will be submitting some (or all) of the following interchange files, which are extracted from their SIS: Student Demographic (SD) Student School Association (SSA) Title I* Advanced Course Completion (ACC)* *Only submitted by schools that have either AP Courses, Postsecondary Programs or are CSI Designated Title I Targeted Assistance Schools. So as you may recall, the End of Year files that schools will be submitting are the Student Demographic, Student School Association, Title I and the Advanced Course Completion. Keep in mind the first two are required by all schools and the Title I and ACC files are only submitted by the schools that fit the specific criteria, which we will be discussing.
Graphic illustrating how interchange files from each school combine into a EOY snapshot for CSI
SD Interchange SSA Interchange A SD Interchange CSI EOY Snapshot SSA Interchange B ACC Interchange You all may remember seeing this graphic at previous trainings, but it is a really good representation of how different files need to be submitted by schools differently depending on what services are provided or other necessary requirements. As you can see, schools B and C each have to provide an additional file above the minimum required for the collection. SD Interchange SSA Enrollment Interchange C Title I Interchange
Student Demographic (SD) File
So for the Student Demographic or SD file…
Student Demographic (SD) File
The SD interchange file contains in depth demographic information about each student at a school for the current school year. 17-18 SD File Layout and Definition Document (CSI) Submissions/17-18/EOY/ %20Student%20Demographic%20File%20- %20CSI%20Additions.pdf This is the file that has the in-depth demographic information about each student who attended your school at any point during the current school year. It is: Limited to one record per student, per school. Supplies the information about who a student is. As you recall, this file is also submitted for the October Count Collection The bottom of this slide also has a link to the File Layout and Definitions Document with CSI additions for you to review and utilize when necessary.
Student Demographic Fields
So, we are looking at all the data attributes that need to be collected for the SD file. This was taken directly from the first few pages of the File Layout and Definitions document and as you recall from previous trainings, the highlighted fields are the new attributes collected for while the ones with the red strikethrough have been removed for this year. CDE highlights new content in yellow and items removed are in red strikethrough.
Student School Association (SSA) File
Next, lets take a look at the Student School Association or SSA file…
Student School Association (SSA) File
The SSA interchange file contains school specific information about each student for the current school year for funding and accountability purposes. 17-18 SSA File Layout and Definition Document (CSI) Submissions/17-18/EOY/ %20Student%20School%20Association%20File%20- %20CSI%20Additions.pdf In looking at this file, it contains the school specific information about each student for the current school year. As you may recall, it: Can be more than one record per student, per school. Must be a corresponding record in the SD file. Supplies the information about what a student is doing. This file is also submitted for the October Count Collection Similar to the SD, this slide contains the link to the File Layout and Definitions Document for
Student School Association Fields
Again, here are the lists of the data attribute fields from the first few pages of the File Layout and Definitions document, but this time for the SSA file. Again as you can see here and probably recall from past trainings, the one highlighted new field and the other removed fields CDE highlights new content in yellow and items removed are in red strikethrough.
SSA File: Entry/Exit Overview
Removed entry or exit codes in file layout for 17-18 12 – Transfer to a detention center within district 20 – Transfer to a facility administered by the district Tells when and how a student entered a school Entry Date Entry Type Tells when and how a student exited a school Exit Date Exit Type So some of the key attribute fields for the SSA file would be the Entry and Exit Code dates and types. In terms of 17-18, the two entry and exit codes that were removed were 12 – transfer from or to a detention center within the district and 20 – Transfer to or from a facility administered by the district. In terms of Entry, basically it tells us how a student entered a school. There is a date they entered, as well as the type of entry into the school on that date. For Exit Withdraws, it tells us how a student exited a school by providing the date they exited and the type of exit. This information is important at a state level, so they can see a full history of the student’s education for the year. Importance at the state level—to see a full history of each student’s education for the year.
SSA File: Entry/Exit – Example
Student returns from prior year (SY 16-17) Use Entry Type = 02 (Continuous in same school) Student transfers to another district during SY (up to 3 weeks before the end of school) Use Exit Type = 13 (Transfer to another district) Later in the SY 17-18, student returns Use Entry Type (second record) = 13 (Transfer from another district) District SASID Entry Date Entry Type Exit Date Exit Type 8001 02 13 00 You may all be familiar with this, but here is a great example of a students entry and exit within a particular school. Essentially, since the student is returning from the previous year, they will get the typical entry type of 02 as will all returning students on the first day of school. During the year, the student decides to exit to another district, which you will see reflected with a 13 exit type and a valid exit date. This is a fairly common scenario that all of you have seen. But, lets say the student decides to return during the school year, they would receive a 13 Entry type and the date they returned to the school. As you know, this requires two records and the graphic at the bottom shows exactly what it should look like.
Retention Codes Overview
Note that Retention Codes refer to the upcoming school year (SY 18-19), NOT this current school year (SY 17-18) Example: If a 5th grade student this year (17-18) is going to repeat 5th grade next year (18-19), then use retention code = 1 Now onto a little more information regarding Retention Codes. As a reminder, this attribute indicates if a student is being retained at the current grade level for the NEXT school year. So we are not referring to the school year, but if the student is being retained for the school year the student should be coded with a 1. This slide shows an example of this where a 5th grader this year is going to repeat 5th grade in 18-19, so the retention code for this student should be 1. Keep in mind, as previously mentioned in Module 1, this is an area that should be checked during your SIS data review. Sometimes the retention code of 1 is rolled over from the previous year and not reflective of the students current situation. Review all the retention codes to ensure that only students being retained for are listed. SIS EOY PREP: Check your SIS for any students with retention code = 1 in case retention data was inadvertently rolled over from the prior year!
Advanced Course Completion (ACC) File
Next, lets take a look at the Advanced Course Completion or ACC file.
Advanced Course Completion (ACC) File
This file should only be submitted by schools that have AP courses OR have postsecondary programs/agreement with higher education institutions. The file should only contain students who are enrolled in a postsecondary program or taking AP courses during the school year. CSI will be checking to see which schools should be reporting an ACC file, but if you know your school fits the criteria above, then you should upload a file to FZ now and notify CSI. CSI will extract file for any CSI Hosted PS schools. 17-18 ACC Data Layout and Definition Document (CSI) le/Submissions/17-18/EOY/ %20Student%20School%20Association%20File%20- %20CSI%20Additions.pdf This file is only applicable for schools that have AP Courses or have Post Secondary program agreements with Higher Ed institutions. So this file should only contain students who are enrolled in a post-secondary program or taking AP courses during the school year. If your school has students that fit this criteria, then please upload this file along with your other file submittals. CSI will be checking which schools need to submit this file and will be contacting you if you have not done so. The ACC file layout document link is also provided at the bottom of this slide.
ACC file Layout This next slide just contains a screenshot of the ACC file layout document. If you are submitting this file, please be sure to review the Record Expectation section of this document before you start running this file as you may see some information that you may need to address in your SIS. Schools submitting ACC file should be sure to review “Record Expectation” section in file layout.
Summary of ACC Fields General info Advanced Placement Courses
Again, this slide contains all the attributes that need to be collected for the Advanced Course Completion file. The first section is general information, the second section shows information regarding Advanced Placement or AP course, while the last section here looks at Postsecondary Program information by semester. Advanced Placement Courses Report AP course(s) completed by the student at any point in the school year Postsecondary Program & Institution Info Report program(s) & institution(s) for students who earned credit at postsecondary institutions that will go toward high school graduation as well as a postsecondary degree or certificate. Only submitted by schools that have AP courses or postsecondary programs
Postsecondary Program Codes
Reporting schools should review the “Postsecondary Program” section of the ACC File Layout and Definitions document (pg. 5) Report the type of postsecondary program a student participated in for each semester and regardless of if tuition is paid Postsecondary program types have very specific definitions and include: ASCENT Concurrent Enrollment Early College Dropout Recovery at Community College Carry Forward ASCENT – Full Time Carry Forward Ascent – Part Time P-Tech Years 1-4 P-Tech Years 5-6 So, just a reminder on Postsecondary Program Codes: Schools that will be reporting this type of student are strongly encouraged to review the Post-Secondary Program section of the ACC File Layout and Definitions Document Also, as mentioned earlier, you will be reporting the type of postsecondary program a student participated in for each semester and whether or not the school paid tuition to the Institution of Higher Ed ( you must have MOU in place with that institution of higher Ed). The Postsecondary institution types have very specific definitions and include (READ LIST). Only submitted by schools that have AP courses or postsecondary programs
Postsecondary Institution Codes
Schools must report the four-digit code of the eligible institution of higher education where the student is receiving education services during first and/or second semester. To find a list of institution codes, please refer to the "Higher Education Institution Codes" worksheet posted at So with Post secondary institution codes – keep in mind if you are reporting information for an ACC file, you must report the eligible 4 digit code of the higher education where the student is receiving education services during each semester. Please see the provide link that will show you a full list of Higher Education Institution Codes. Only submitted by schools that have AP courses or postsecondary programs
Title I File Finally lets take a look at the last file, the Title I file. Again, this is only required for some schools and we have a list here (NEXT SLIDE)
Title I File This file is only submitted by CSI designated Targeted Assistance schools. Schools required to submit a Title I file for 17-18: 17-18 Title I Data Layout and Definition Document (CSI) s/17-18/EOY/ %20Title%20I%20File%20-%20CSI%20Additions.pdf Here is the current list from our student services team of the schools who will need to submit Title I files for The schools listed here are the same ones who provided Title I files for October Count, so if you submitted one then, please do so for this collection as well. These are designated targeted assistance schools and if you are one of the schools in this list, then you are required to submit a Title I file.
Title I File Layout Data Fields The Title I Interchange file represents students who have received, or will receive, Title I Targeted Assistance funding at any time during the academic year and the specific Title I service(s) received (e.g., Reading, Math). So here is a screenshot of all the data attributes needed for this file and similar to the others, this was taken directly from the first few pages of the File Layout and Definitions document. Keep in mind this file represents students who have received, or will receive, Title I targeted assistance funding at any time during the academic school year and the specific services they received. Only submitted by CSI designated Targeted Assistance schools
Extracting Files Next, we are going to take a look at the process of extracting files from your SIS or Student Information System.
Extracting Interchange Files from your SIS
Each SIS has a process (and resources!) for extracting the interchange files (SSA, SD, ACC, Title I) Do NOT open the CSV file directly (use save option when extracting)– follow instructions for converting your CSV file to an Excel (XLS, XLSX) file PowerSchool: See PowerSchool Help Resources at (login not required) Infinite Campus: See IC Help Resources at “Student Interchange (Colorado)” So, each school should have a process in place for extracting files directly from your SIS. Just a reminder when extracting these files, be sure to use the Save As file option rather than opening the file and saving. This will cause a loss of leading zeros leading to a ton of errors. If you do need to open your file at any point to make a change prior to submitting, we have a link here to instructions on converting that CSV file to an Excel text file that will retain those zeros. Back to extracting, there are several resources for both PowerSchool and Infinite Campus that will provide further details on successfully extracting files. For PowerSchool, you will see a link to the PowerSchool State Reporting Online Documentation for Colorado and also a link to the Student Interchange help resources in Campus Community.
Extracting Interchange Files from PowerSchool
PowerSchool Help for EOY In the next few slides, I’ll explain where to find information in Power School and then in Infinite Campus. First we will be looking at Power School. This slide shows a screenshot of the PowerSchool help interface for Colorado State Reporting when you use the link provided on the previous slide. I have circled the links for more information from PowerSchool on the SD, SSA, ACC and Title 1 files. The information within each of the links provides information on the Selection Criteria for each report, Report Input, as well as Report Output. This will certainly be helpful information in determining what should be input for each of the prompts, as well as, the field names in PowerSchool for each of the data elements.
Extracting Interchange Files from PowerSchool
PowerSchool Interface – Extracting EOY Files So you may be well aware of it at this point, but here is a screenshot of the PowerSchool interface and the location of where to extract the End of Year files. From the Start Page, click on System Reports, then the State tab, and then the reports indicated on this slide.
Extracting Interchange Files from Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus Help for EOY These next two slides demonstrate the same concepts in Infinite Campus. This slide shows a screenshot of the Infinite Campus help interface called “Campus Community”. We provided the link in a previous slide and unlike Power School, you do need a login to access Campus Community. You’ll want to click on the Knowledge Base and then access the Student Interchange and the Title I Extract links in the left hand menu. From there you should see the different links to the associated documentation assisting with the file extraction process.
Extracting Interchange Files from Infinite Campus
Again, for Infinite Campus, here is a screenshot of the user interface showing the location to get your ACC files. Returning submissions staff should be well aware of accessing this information.
File Sharing/Submitting to CSI
Now let’s take a brief look at some information regarding sharing your extracted files with CSI.
Sending Files for Submittal to CSI
CSI Hosted PowerSchool Schools (17-18 Last Year): Send to indicating you would like CSI to pull a file for submission Schools on Own SIS: Use FileZilla to submit file for submission Send an indicating that you have loaded documentation into the FTP Don’t files to CSI that have personally identifiable data such as student data! They must be uploaded to FileZilla. Most of you are familiar with this information, but as a reminder: CSI hosted PowerSchool schools, please the submissions inbox when you are ready to have your files run; and: For those schools on their own SIS, please the submissions inbox once your files have been successfully added to FileZilla As you know, but cannot be stressed enough, do not the files to us as they contain PII. Always follow the above process of adding to FileZilla and contacting the submissions inbox.
Naming the Files Please note you need to name the file as an interchange and a date so we can track we have the most up to date data pull. File Names Examples: School Code, School name/abbreviation, interchange type, and date Student demographic Interchange file for Pikes Peak Prep 8929PPPSD School student interchange file for Global Village Colorado Springs 3326GVACSSSA ACC file for Pikes Peak Prep 8929PPPACC Title I file for Colorado Military Academy 1505CMATitleI This may sound like common knowledge, but I see issues with this all the time not only for new, but also returning submissions staff. When naming your files prior to submittal, please always follow these specific examples with the school code, school name, interchange type and date. This allows us to more easily recognize the last file submitted by your school and provides us a more streamlined process for uploading files to CDE. You will notice in these examples that the file names contain no spaces, this is important for the upload process.
Timeline and Deadlines
Next, we want to look at the timelines and due dates for this collection. This will be reviewed during every module to ensure that you have a strong understanding of when everything is due.
CSI Submission Timeline
February 14, Initial End of Year Submissions Due*** June 13, All Level 1 (Interchange) Errors Must be Cleared Schools are encouraged to continue working through any errors now July 12, All Level 2 (Snapshot) Errors Must be Cleared Schools should resubmit their interchange files after the last day of school to make sure all information (ex: graduation, exit dates, retention) are up to date After schools submit last day of school files and errors are cleared, CSI will begin uploading Initial summary/certification reports to FileZilla. August 22, 2018 – Initial Signed Certifications Due to CSI September 1, 2018—Follow up on remaining no shows Schools should identify any students that had ’00’ exit code in that didn’t return for and contact those families to find out where the student ended up enrolling as that data is required to be included in the EOY collection. November 2, 2018—Final Signed Certifications Due to CSI *** - Note: Schools do not have to wait until the Initial Submissions date to provide CSI with files. This can be done as soon as you would like. So again, in looking at the timeline and upcoming deadlines, the first would be the Initial End of Year submission due on February 14th. Keep in mind this is an initial submittal used to determine that files will upload successfully and identify any potential errors or issues early in the process. We do expect a higher number of errors at this stage of the collection. Also, please don’t feel like you have to wait until the 14th to submit your files. This can be done as soon as you would like and CSI will process to determine any issues with the files. As far as the rest of the End of Year collection, we have June 13th as the level 1 error clearance due date and July 12th for level 2. August 22nd and November 2nd are the initial and final due dates for the certifications with September 1st being the date that no shows should be followed up on. It is important to follow up with families who were expected to return and did not.
Thank you for reviewing this module!
Module 2 has now been completed. Please review Module 3 (available soon) when ready to review error reports, resolve errors, and make other necessary changes. Thanks so much for reviewing training module 2 for this years End of Year collection. Keep in mind that this is module 2 out of 4, so you should expect to see module 3 very soon and module 4 will look at Summary Certification Reports, so that should be available closer to when we get to that step of the process. Please feel free to the submissions inbox if you have any questions or would like to discuss anything further. Have a great day! Contact for EOY Questions: Submissions Inbox
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