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PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

2 WIDA ® English Language Proficiency Standards for ELLs
Workshop I CLICK here to include your name(s) PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

3 Overview of WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards
Content Objectives Language Objective Participants will: develop an overview of the WIDA language proficiency standards for ELLs. develop an understanding of the levels of language proficiency and how they impact student learning Participants will: be able to explain the importance of WIDA ELP standards for ELLs. PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

4 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
What Are WIDA ELP Standards? WIDA stands for World-Class Instructional Design and Consortium’s Assessment System. A guide for language instruction and assessment within the context of all academic contents Reflect an understanding of the needs of English Language Learners. Developed by consortium members (3 states: Wisconsin, Delaware, and Arkansas). Currently, 25 states have adopted WIDA standards. PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

5 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
What Are WIDA ELP Standards? (Cont’) The basis for the assessment and instruction of academic language proficiency for ELLs in NC and 24 other states Grounded in scientifically-based research on best educational practices. A guide used to differentiate content for ELLs at different proficiency levels A resource guide for teachers and administrators PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

6 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
Purpose of WIDA ELP Standards To facilitate ELL students’ English proficiency attainment, access to content knowledge, and ultimately, their academic success To provide a curriculum/assessment resource anchored in academic content standards To establish a common yardstick to define and measure how ELLs acquire language across the domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing To comply with federal law (No Child Left Behind Act of 2001) requiring ELP standards and ELP standards-based assessments PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

7 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
The Bottom Line In order for students to achieve academically and exhibit that learning on Large Scale, High Stakes assessment, they MUST master Academic Language. Read slide In order for students to achieve academically and exhibit that learning on Large Scale, High Stakes assessment they must master Academic Language. PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

8 Language Versus Content
Language proficiency involves the language associated with the content areas. Content knowledge reflects the declarative (what) and procedural knowledge (how) associated with the content. WIDA ELP standards focus on academic language; academic content standards focus on academic content. PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

9 NCSCOS vs. WIDA ELP Standards
Are for ALL students Are for ELLs Guide the alignment of Work hand in hand with content curriculum NCSCOS and with Guide content instruction National TESOL ELP Comprise content specific Standards objectives Guide district ESL curriculum and instruction Include both content and language objectives PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

10 Content Objectives Vs. Language Objectives
(Academic Achievement) (Academic Language) What students will learn What language students will use in their learning Created from NCSCOS Reflects conceptual development Created from WIDA ELP standards Content based Reflects various stages of language Taught by content teachers with the proficiency Language based support of ESL teachers Incorporated into district Taught by both content and ESL teachers academic curriculum Must be met by ALL students Incorporated into district ESL curriculum Goal is to learn content ELLs need these to help meet academic demands and standards Goal is to acquire academic English PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

11 Overall Organization of Standards
Frameworks for Formative & Summative Assessment (2) English Language Proficiency Standards (5) Language Domains (4) Grade Level Clusters (5) Language Proficiency Levels (6) MPIs are the lowest level of expression of the standards Model Performance Indicators PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

12 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
Two Frameworks Summative Provide teachers, students, and test developers with tools to help ELLs to demonstrate their progress with the English language ACCESS test, developed by WIDA, is NC Large-Scale annual K-12 ELP assessment Formative Corresponds to everyday classroom practice that Includes audio-visual and interactive supports to assist teaching and language acquisition FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: A PROCESS used by teachers and students DURING instruction that provides FEEDBACK to ADJUST ongoing Teaching and Learning [in order ] to IMPROVE students’ ACHIEVEMENT of intended instructional outcomes. Retrieved from: ACCESS for ELLs® Score Interpretation for Instructional Purposes p. 48 North Carolina Department of Education Web Conference October 1, 2009 on Popham, W. J. (2008). Transformative Assessment. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

13 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
The Five WIDA English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards Standard 1: English language learners communicate for SOCIAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting (SIL) Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of LANGUAGE ARTS (LoLA) Standard 3: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS (LoMA) Standard 4: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of SCIENCE (LoS) Standard 5: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of SOCIAL STUDIES (LoSS) PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

14 The Four Language Domains
Listening Speaking Reading Writing PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

15 The Grade-level Clusters
The WIDA ELP Standards are divided in 5 clustered: PreK−K Grades 1−2 Grades 3−5 Grades 6−8 Grades 9−12 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

16 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

17 Performance Definitions
PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

18 Performance Definitions
Frame the ELP standards and shape the six levels of English language proficiency Linguistic Complexity Vocabulary Usage Language Control PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

19 Criteria for Performance Definitions
ENTERING BEGINNING DEVELOPING EXPANDING BRIDGING 5 4 3 2 1 6 REACHING Linguistic Complexity: The amount and quality of speech or writing for a given situation Vocabulary Usage: The specificity of words or phrases for a given context Language Control: The comprehensibility of the communication based on the amount and type of errors PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

20 Linguistic Complexity
English Language Proficiency Development ENTERING 1 BEGINNING 2 DEVELOPING 3 EXPANDING 4 BRIDGING 5 Linguistic Complexity Vocabulary Usage Language Control PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

21 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
The Continuum of Second Language Acquisition WIDA’s levels of English language proficiency Entering (1) Reaching (6) Thee second language acquisition process involves the gradual scaffolding from: Explicit meaning Implicit meaning Concrete ideas & concepts Abstract ideas & concepts Single words and phrases Extended discourse Non-conventional forms TO Conventional forms General vocabulary Technical vocabulary Familiar situations Unfamiliar situations Informal registers Formal registers PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

22 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
Model Performance Indicators (MPIs) in the ELP Matrix MPI PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

23 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
Model Performance Indicators (MPIs) and Their Elements The WIDA ELP standards are expressed in Model Performance Indicators (MPIs). MPIs are single cells within the standards’ matrices that describe specific levels of English language proficiency. MPIs are samples of language performance for each grade level cluster (Pre-K-K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

24 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
Model Performance Indicators (MPIs) More than 1000 MPIs – examples (models) of assessable language skills Reflect the second language acquisition process Describe how students can use the language Provide the anchors for curriculum, instruction, and assessment PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

25 The Elements of the MPIs
Model Performance Indicators consist of 3 elements: The Language Function (how ELLs process or use language to communicate in different situations) The Content Stem or Sample Topic (Relates the context for language interaction within school) The Support or Strategy (Provides a necessary avenue for ELLs to access meaning) PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

26 Model Performance Indicators Components (Science 6th Grade)
Analyze, identify, explain, distinguish, give examples, describe, predict, compare Language Function Metric system, lava, magma, types of volcanoes, epicenter Example Topic realia, peer work, small groups, videos, internet, pictures, graphic organizers, word banks Support PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

27 Model Performance Indicators (MPIs) ELA
Language Function Sequence Example Topic the events in a story Support using picture cards and oral descriptions PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

28 Model Performance Indicators (MPIs) Math
Language Function Recognize and match Example Topic shapes and formulas Support using handmade geometric models. PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

29 Model Performance Indicators (MPIs) Science
Language Function Identity Example Topic atomic number, atomic mass, metals, and non-metals Support using flashcards from the periodic table. PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

30 Thematically connected Academically rigorous
The Strands of MPIs Thematically connected Scaffolded Developmentally appropriate Academically rigorous Scaffolding language for English language learners (ELLs) refers to the structures, strategies, directives, and clues that educators create to support students in learning language. As the ELL’s language proficiency develop, parts of the scaffold are removed until the scaffolding is gone entirely and the ELL has independent control of language. Retrieved from: ACCESS for ELLs® Score Interpretation for Instructional Purposes P. 54 North Carolina Department of Education Web Conference October 1, 2009 on PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

31 Organization of MPIs and Strands Within the ELP Standards Matrix
PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

32 CAN DO descriptors: What Are They and How Are They Used?
…provide a collaborative tool for planning and differentiate instruction …can be shared with students and their families … provide indicators in each language domain, grade cluster, and level of language proficiency CAN DO Descriptors … facilitate teachers’ examination of the language domains PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

33 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

34 Working with the Standards: Transformations
PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

35 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
Aspects of Transformations Model performance indicators (MPIs) DO NOT cover complete range of situations teachers experience. Transformations are used to adapt MPIs to specific teaching situations. Changes may be made to one or more of the elements of an MPI (language function, topic or support). PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

36 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
Transforming an MPI within a Strand English Language Proficiency Standard 3: Mathematics. Classroom framework Grade Level Cluster: 4-5 Domain: SPEAKING Proficiency Level 3 Language function Content Stem / Sample Topic Support Tell a story / that involves a specific mathematical operation / with a partner Describe the steps that involve a specific mathematical operation with a partner Describe the steps to locate points using the coordinate plane with a partner Describe the steps to locate points using the coordinate plane in a small group PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

37 Language Function Transformation from Listening to Speaking
Standards Reference Framework: Formative Standard: 5-The language of Social Studies Grade level cluster: 6-8 Language proficiency level: 3-Developing Example Topic: Maps Identify specific geographic locations (e.g., time zones, latitude, longitude) on maps based on oral information and check with a partner Describe specific geographic locations (e.g., time zones, latitude, longitude) on maps based on given information to a partner PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

38 Support Transformation from Summative to Formative
Standards Reference Standard: 5-The language of Social Studies Grade level cluster: PreK-K, Language Domain: Reading Language proficiency level: 3-Developing Example Topic: Food Find labeled pictures of food by initial sounds or consonants (e.g., “pineapple,” “peas”) Find real-life examples of foods by initial sounds or consonants (e.g., “pineapple,” “peas”) PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

39 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
Topic Transformation within an ELP Standard Standards Reference Framework: Formative Standard: 4-The language of Science Grade level cluster: 9-12 Language Domain: Reading Language proficiency level: 4-Expanding Analyze and identify reasons for genetic alterations based on visually supported text (e.g., mutation) with a partner Analyze and identify reasons for physical change based on visually supported text with a partner PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

40 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
Topic Transformation Across ELP Standards Standards Reference Framework: Summative Standards: 1-Social and Instructional Language, 2-The language of Science, Grade level cluster: 1-2 Language Domain: Speaking Language proficiency level: 1-Entering Name everyday objects depicted visually in real-life contexts (e.g. "paper" in a classroom scene) Name animals depicted visually in real-life contexts (e.g., “monkey” in a forest scene) PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

41 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
Let’s practice! PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

42 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
Collaboration “Matthews … we’re getting another one of those strange ‘aw blah es span yol’ sounds.” PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

43 Collaboration (Cont’)
ELLs should have a consistent, continuous and challenging curriculum that addresses academic content and language development in English. Educators with a mutual understanding of the expectations of ELLs are best able to serve the students individual and collective needs. PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

44 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
Let’s practice! PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

45 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
Ideas for Collaboration in Planning Instructional Assessment Integrate ELP standards with state academic standards Design or select common rubrics for performance assessment Plan family involvement and community outreach about English language services PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

46 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
Ideas for Collaboration in Implementing Instruction and Assessment of ELLs Co-teach activities, tasks and projects Collect exemplars of student work and interpret samples with common rubrics Develop a common grading scheme based on students’ English language proficiency and academic performance PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

47 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
Ideas for Collaboration in Evaluating Student Results Interpret results from ACCESS for ELLs to improve services Create standards based reporting forms Share results of ELP assessments with parents and other stakeholders PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

48 Did We Meet Our Objectives?
Content Objectives Language Objective Participants will: develop an overview of the WIDA language proficiency standards for ELLs. develop an understanding of the levels of language proficiency and how they impact student learning be able to explain the importance of WIDA ELP standards for ELLs. PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

49 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
RESOURCES World Class Instructional Design and Assessment: Center for Applied Linguistics: A wealth of ESL resources from Clevelan County Schools Metritech, Inc.: NCDPI Curriculum and Instruction (CAN DO Descriptor) WIDA Webinars Series: Introduction to the WIDA ELP Standards (Webinar) Virginia Department of Education: PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

50 PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011
Key Vocabulary WIDA (World-class Instructional Design and Assessment) ELP (English Language Proficiency) TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages) MPIs (Model Performance Indicators) ACCESS (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State / Large-Scale annual ELP assessment) Language Function (Compare, Predict, Explain....) Transformation (a method to change Model Performance indicators) Domains (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing) Strand (a series of indicators from Levels 1-5 in one domain with the same topic. PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

On behalf of our English language learners, THANK YOU for all you do to make their learning a memorable and enjoyable trip! PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011

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That’s all, Folks! QUESTIONS? PSRC WIDA Workshop I Train the Trainer 2011


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