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Clusters of Galaxies in the Microwaves

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1 Clusters of Galaxies in the Microwaves

2 Clusters of Galaxies in the Microwaves
CMB+CLUSTERS Sunyaev & Zel'dovich Effect

3 Sunyaev & Zel'dovich Effect
Thermal S-Z Effect Kinetic S-Z effect

4 Sunyaev & Zel'dovich Effect
1) SZ effect depends on the projection of n along the line of sights 2) SZ effect is independent of redshift 1) Combination of SZ and X-ray observations gives important information on the gas structure ; Combination of SZ and X-ray observations provide information on the cluster Distance (estimate of H0) 2) SZ observations allow to observe (in principle) all the clusters in the universe

5 Sunyaev & Zel'dovich Effect



8 Cosmology with SZ Clusters

9 Cold Fronts: implications for the kinetic SZ Effect and the CMB polarization
Diego, Mazzotta, Silk, ApJL

10 Kinetic SZ Effect and CMB Polarization

11 Signal Variation with respect to the “Classic SZ effect”


13 DS/S=2.5 DS/S=13 Dg/g=5 SZ Dg/g=26 Polarization 300 km/s M=1
T=9keV; V=1500 km/s M=1 Dg/g=5 SZ Dg/g=26 Polarization DS/S=2.5 DS/S=13



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