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The Power Behind Prophecy

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1 The Power Behind Prophecy
Daniel 9:1-23

2 Daniels Prayer & Prophecy
The Prophecy at the End is the Answer to the Prayer at the beginning. The greatest way to draw near to God is Prayer The greatest way to stay in God’s Will is Prayer We can do without organization, music, buildings… But not Prayer

3 Daniels Prayer & Prophecy
Daniels Prayer life was opened up for all to see. Not Standards, Not Music Not Witness Not Faithfulness Not Material I read but Prayer. We have 5 examples of Daniels prayer in the book. Let’s Listen In at the Chamber of Prayer


5 The Best Prayer is Saturated with the Word of God – vs. 1-2
He began by reading the book of Jeremiah. He quoted 5 other books of the OT in the prayer. (Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Jeremiah) A good way to pray is to read your Bible to Him. Mark the Prayers that men prayed and Pray them from your heart to God. Would you give your wife a card someone else wrote?

6 The Best Prayer is Started with Confession of Sin – vs. 4-15
12 Verses of confession. Confession moves from general to specific Vs. 5 – General Vs. 6 – Specific-Prophets. Vs. 7 – Men of Judah, Jerusalem, all Israel. Vs. 8 – Our kings, our princes, our fathers Vs. 12 – 13 Moses & our Judges. Would this work? We don’t ask Generally!

7 The Best Prayer is Sustained with Humility – vs. 3
Daniel took off his robe and jewelry Daniel put on Sackcloth (burlap) Daniel covered himself with ashes (grief and Mourning) Daniel began a Fast Daniel allowed himself to feel Uncomfortable, Unclean & Unfed Why? To Focus on his humble need of God

8 The Best Prayer is Satisfied with the Timing of God – vs. 17-19
No record Daniel ever returned to the Holy Land. Daniels concern was for the Glory of God. Daniel may have died before the plan of God was implemented.

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