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Highlights of Energy Stats 2016 & Outlook 2035

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1 Highlights of Energy Stats 2016 & Outlook 2035
Source : BP Stats 2016, June 2016 Energy Outlook February BP Global Corporate Energy Desk

2 Contents Energy Mix Oil Natural Gas Coal
Other Energy- Nuclear, Renewable, Solar, Wind Fuel: No. of Years Left Outlook 2035 Source : BP Stats 2016

3 Regional Energy Consumption
General highlights Consumption increased for all fuels except coal power Production increased for all fuels except Coal Global Primary energy consumption increased by 1.0%, a marked deceleration over 2014(+1.1%) and well below the 10-year average of 1.9%. Other than the recession of 2009, this represented the lowest global growth since 1998. Regional Energy Consumption China (+1.5%) & India (+5.2%) recorded another robust increase India surpassed Russia to become the third-largest energy consumer in the world US (-0.9%) & Japan (-1.2%)-lowest level since 1991 Emerging economies account % of global energy consumption. OECD consumption increased (+0.1%), compared with an average annual decline of 0.3% over the past decade. Source : BP Stats 2016

4 Section : 1 ENERGY MIX Source : BP Stats 2016

5 India’s Primary Energy Consumption
Energy Mix India’s Primary Energy Consumption Coal constitutes major part 58.13%, a decrease by 0.21% from last year. Oil’s share is %, an increase 0.76% from last year. Natural Gas’s share is 6.5%, a decrease 0.34% from last year. Hydroelectricity’s share is 4.02%, a decrease by 0.43% from last year. Renewable’s share is 2.21%, an increase by 0.17% from last year. Nuclear’ s share is 1.23%, an increase by 0.05% from last year. Source : BP Stats 2016

6 Source : BP Statistical Review , June 2016
Energy Mix Source : BP Statistical Review , June 2016 Note : Renewable sources include wind, geothermal, solar, biomass and waste Source : BP Stats 2016

7 -0.21% 0.76% 0.17% -0.34% -0.43% 0.05% Source : BP Stats 2016

8 Section : 2 NATURAL GAS Source : BP Stats 2016

9 India’s Natural Gas Scenario World’s Natural Gas Scenario
Natural Gas’s share is 6.5% in energy mix, a decrease 0.34% from last year. Natural Gas reserves in India TCM Natural Gas’s consumption 50.6 bcm a decrease by 0.1 % by last year. Natural Gas’s production 29.2 bcm a decrease by 3.8 % by last year. World’s Natural Gas Scenario Natural Gas’s share is 23.85% in energy mix, a increase 0.18% from last year. Natural Gas reserves in World TCM Natural Gas’s consumption bcm an increase by 1.7 % by last year, well below the 10-year average of 2.3% Natural Gas’s production bcm an increase by 2.2% by last year, below its 10-year average of 2.4% Source : BP Stats 2016

10 NATURAL GAS World’s Natural Gas Highlight – Production
North America (+3.9%) largest growth increment, driven by US output Netherlands (-22.8%) the world’s largest decline. Other Large volumetric declines were also seen in Russia (-1.5%) and Yemen (-71.5%) World’s Natural Gas Highlight – Consumption The Middle East strongest regional growth rate (+6.2%) Europe & Eurasia declined by 0.3%, with a decline in Russia offsetting growth in the EU Iran (+6.2%) and China (+4.7%) recorded the largest increments World’s Natural Gas Highlight – Trade Growth : Global LNG trade (+1.8%) , Pipeline shipments (+ 4%) International natural gas trade accounted 30.1% of global consumption Pipeline share of global gas trade rose to 67.5%. Source : BP Stats 2016

11 Units: BCM Source : BP Stats 2016

12 Source : BP Stats 2016

13 Units: BCM Source : BP Stats 2016

14 Section : 3 OIL Source : BP Stats 2016

15 OIL India’s Oil Scenario
Oil’s share is 27.91% in energy mix, an increase by 0.76% from last year. Oil reserves in India Billion Tonnes Oil’s consumption MT , an increase by 8.1% last year. Oil’s production 41.2 MT, a decrease by 1.1 % by last year. World’s Oil Scenario Oil’s share is % in energy mix , a increase 0.29% from last year. Oil reserves in World Billion Tonnes Oil’s consumption MT, an increase by 1.9 % by last year. Oil’s production MT , an increase by 3.2% by last year. Source : BP Stats 2016

16 Global Oil Highlight Dated Brent averaged $52.39 per barrel in 2015, a decline of $46.56 per barrel from the 2014 level and the lowest annual average since 2004. Strong growth in OPEC production, particularly in Iraq and Saudi Arabia, caused prices to fall sharply later in the year. US (+1 million b/d) had the world’s largest annual growth increment & remained the world’s largest oil producer.  Production in Iraq (+750,000 b/d) & Saudi Arabia (+510,000 b/d) rose to record levels, driving an increase in OPEC production to 38.2 million b/d US (+1.6%, or 290,000 b/d) & EU (+1.5%, or 200,000 b/d), while Japan (-3.9%, or -160,000 b/d) recorded the largest decline in oil consumption.  China (+6.3%, or +770,000 b/d) once again accounted for the largest increment to demand, while India (+8.1%, or 310,000 b/d) surpassed Japan as the world’s third-largest oil consumer.  Source : BP Stats 2016

17 Units: Million tonnes Source : BP Stats 2016

18 Source : BP Stats 2016

19 Units: Million tonnes Source : BP Stats 2016

20 Section : 4 COAL Source : BP Stats 2016

21 COAL India’s Coal Scenario
Coal’s share is 58.13% in energy mix, a decrease by .21% from last year. Coal reserves in India Billion Tonnes Coal’s consumption MT ,an increase by 4.8% Coal’s production MT, an increase by 4.5 % by last year. India’s share global coal consumption >10% in 2015, for the 1st time ever. World’s Coal Scenario Coal’s share is % in energy mix , a decrease 0.83% from last year. Coal reserves in World – Billion Tonnes Coal’s consumption 5586 MT, a decrease by 1.8% by last year, well below the 10-year average annual growth of 2.1% , Coal’s production MT , a decrease 4.2 % by last year. Source : BP Stats 2016

22 COAL Global Highlight Coal’s share global primary energy consumption fell to 29.2%, the lowest share since 2005. Global consumption (-71 Mtoe, -1.8%) and production (-159 Mtoe, -4.0%) both recorded their largest falls on record, and coal prices fell by around 20%. Net Consumption decline accounted for by the US (-12.7%), the world’s largest volumetric decline) and China (-1.5%) Production fell with large declines in the US (-10.4%), Indonesia (-14.4%), and China (-2%). India led the way, with both consumption (19 Mtoe, 4.8%) and production (13 Mtoe, 4.7%) growing solidly. As a result, India surpassed the US as the world’s second largest coal consumer. Source : BP Stats 2016

23 Units: Million tonnes Source : BP Stats 2016

24 Source : BP Stats 2016

25 Other Energy Consumptions
Section : 5 Other Energy Consumptions Source : BP Stats 2016

26 Other energy Global Highlight
Global nuclear output grew by 1.3 %. Nuclear power accounted for 4.4% of global primary energy consumption. China (+28.9%) has passed South Korea to become fourth-largest supplier of nuclear power. Increases in Russia (+8%) and South Korea (+5.3%) offset declines in Sweden (-12.6%) and Belgium (-22.6%). EU output (-2.2%) fell to the lowest level since 1992. Hydroelectric output accounted for 6.8% of global primary energy consumption. China (+5%) remains by far the world’s largest producer of hydroelectricity Solar power generation grew by 32.6% (+14.1 mtoe) Wind energy grew by 17.4% (+28.2 mtoe). China leads the world in terms of installed wind capacity (145 GW) Source : BP Stats 2016

27 India - renewable & emissions
India is now the sixth largest renewable power generator in the world. Renewables in power rose by 13.7% in 2015, its second largest increment ever after 2012. India’s share of world’s total renewable stood at 4.2%. Within renewables, the largest growth in India has come from: Wind (+11.6% ) : 41.4 Terawatt – Hours* Solar (+50.9%) : 1.5 Terawatt - Hours Biomass (+9.2%) : Terawatt - Hours Emissions The largest increase in global CO2 emissions from energy use in 2015 came from India (5.3%) standing 3rd globally with MT CO2 emissions * 1 TWh = MWh Source : BP Stats 2016

28 Units: Terawatt-hours
Source : BP Stats 2016

29 Section : 6 Fuel: No. of Years Left Source : BP Stats 2016

30 Oil Million tonnes Reserve ('000) Consumption Production 2015 India
2015 India 0.763 195.50 41.18 World Natural Gas BCM Reserve ('000) Consumption Production 2015 India 1.49 50.59 29.22 World 186.87 Coal Million tonnes Reserve Consumption Production 2015 India 60600 581.74 677.46 World 891531 Source : BP Stats 2016

31 Section : 7 OUTLOOK 2035 Source : BP Outlook 2016

32 Source : BP Outlook 2016

33 Source : BP Outlook 2016

34 Source : BP Outlook 2016

35 Source : BP Outlook 2016

36 Source : BP Outlook 2016

37 Source : BP Outlook 2016

38 Source : BP Outlook 2016

39 Source : BP Outlook 2016

40 Thank You

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