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County Commissioners Conference 2009

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Presentation on theme: "County Commissioners Conference 2009"— Presentation transcript:

1 County Commissioners Conference 2009
Adrian Wray - UK Adviser (Scout Network) Mark Tarry – Regional Commissioner North East Emma Saunders – Programme & Development Adviser

2 What is the current provision for Scout Network in your County?
The Big Question’s… What is the current provision for Scout Network in your County? What is your success story? Why? What has been the biggest failing? Why? A brain storming exercise where they can share stories, provide the presenters with an idea of what is going on and reflect on the current situation.

3 What will most likely attract these people to join Scout Network?
Moving Forward… Identify how many and location of all 17 ½ - 24 year olds in your County What will most likely attract these people to join Scout Network? Who can help you attract these people? The joining process These are just a few bullet points of actions that you need to undertake and to get you thinking about the recruitment process, however recruitment is pointless if these people have no where to go or anyone to support them. Bullet number 1 is crucial, how many members could you have and where are these people.

4 The Plan… A development plan will provide you with clear, concise, measurable targets and actions to achieve to create your ideal Scout Network A development plan will assist you in keeping to time, allowing delegation to happen but controllably to allow you to set people specific targets to meet with a time period – they are much more likely to perform if they know what they are doing, the outcome that is expected and how they fit into the overall picture. END OF HOUR 1

5 So what is your ideal Scout Network?
Have a think about what you see as your ‘ideal Scout Network’. Identify all of the factors which make up an ideal Scout Network for Northern Ireland

6 What are the forces of darkness preventing you from achieving this?
List all of the things, people etc that are stopping you from achieving your ideal Scout Network

7 How can these forces be overcome?
List all of the solutions to your problems, remember this is the ideal world so get those imaginations working! END OF HOUR 2!

8 The Development Planning tool
You all now have an image in your head of what you would like Scout Network to be in you mind! Use this image to complete the ‘County Scout Network Development Planning Tool’ Hand out ‘County SN Development Planning Tool’ documents round and allow time for these to be completed, walk and chat with people and assist where needed.

9 Good Luck! Thank you for coming today to find out more about Scout Network and how you can help! Good luck with your Development Plans and don’t forget to keep in touch! Tel: END OF HOUR 3!

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