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Gabriel Palacios 08/30/18 200 kV guns CST + GPT Gabriel Palacios 08/30/18.

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Presentation on theme: "Gabriel Palacios 08/30/18 200 kV guns CST + GPT Gabriel Palacios 08/30/18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gabriel Palacios 08/30/18
200 kV guns CST + GPT Gabriel Palacios 08/30/18

2 Summary Models Field maps False color Surface fields Emittance
AVG_Z vs STD_Y Beam monitors

3 Models: T-cathode

4 Models: Mushroom

5 Models: Small mushroom

6 Models: Sphere, 6cm gap, short anode

7 Models: Sphere, 9cm gap, long anode

8 Models: Sphere, 9cm gap, long anode

9 Cathode-anode gap: The data for the following plots was taken along the cathode anode gap as a function of the height (on the photocathode surface) varying from -6mm to 6mm.

10 Transverse vertical field maps

11 CST results: Transverse electric field – T-shape
The gray data set is the whole field map. The different colors show how the transverse electric field changes as a function of height on the photocathode in the interval -6mm<y<6mm 119% difference between 0.21 and -0.04 Note: offset in x due to CST model photocathode not in 0,0 coordinates

12 CST results: Transverse electric field – Mushroom
The gray data set is the whole field map. The different colors show how the transverse electric field changes as a function of height on the photocathode in the interval -6mm<y<6mm 70% difference between 0.27 and 0.08 Note: offset in x due to CST model photocathode not in 0,0 coordinates

13 CST results: Transverse electric field – Small mushroom
The gray data set is the whole field map. The different colors show how the transverse electric field changes as a function of height on the photocathode in the interval -6mm<y<6mm 116% difference between 0.22 and -0.03 Note: offset in x due to CST model photocathode not in 0,0 coordinates

14 CST results: Transverse electric field – Sphere, 6 cm gap, short anode
The gray data set is the whole field map. The different colors show how the transverse electric field changes as a function of height on the photocathode in the interval -6mm<y<6mm 20% difference between 0.1 and 0.08 Note: offset in x due to CST model photocathode not in 0,0 coordinates

15 CST results: Transverse electric field – Sphere, 6 cm gap, long anode
The gray data set is the whole field map. The different colors show how the transverse electric field changes as a function of height on the photocathode in the interval -6mm<y<6mm 16% difference between 0.06 and 0.05 Note: offset in x due to CST model photocathode not in 0,0 coordinates

16 CST results: Transverse electric field – Sphere, 6 cm gap, long anode
The gray data set is the whole field map. The different colors show how the transverse electric field changes as a function of height on the photocathode in the interval -6mm<y<6mm 16% difference between 0.06 and 0.05 Note: offset in x due to CST model photocathode not in 0,0 coordinates

17 Comparing all models at the c-a gap only for the y=0 electric field line

18 CST results: Transverse electric field at C-a gap axis
All the data sets correspond to the center line in the cathode-anode gap. Different colors represent different shields. ~12% difference between 0.17 and 0.15 ~53% difference between 0.17 and 0.08

19 CST results: Transverse electric field – No shield vs Original vs all shields at insulator interface
The potential and electric fields along the rubber plug – ceramic insulator interface was obtained (as shown in the image as a red dotted line), plotted as a function of the height (y- coordinate).

20 CST results: Transverse electric field –at insulator interface
Different colors represent different shields. 38% difference between 0.8 and 1.3 63% difference between 0.8 and 2.2

21 CST results: Potential –at insulator interface
Different colors represent different shields. 20% difference between 123 and 153

22 False color

23 CST results: Electric field norm– No shield
Triple points: Upper flange:5MV/m 29MV/m at cusp Triple points: Cathode: 3.6MV/m 6.5MV/m 7.9MV/m 4.87 MV/m

24 CST results: Electric field norm– original shield
Triple points: Upper flange:10MV/m 7.2MV/m Triple points: Cathode: 0.6MV/m 5.6MV/m 7.9MV/m 4.85 MV/m

25 CST results: Electric field norm– Shield 8
Triple points: Upper flange:11MV/m 7.9MV/m Triple points: Cathode: 1.2MV/m 6.5MV/m 8.08MV/m 4.86 MV/m

26 CST results: Electric field norm– Sphere 6cm gap short anode
Triple points: Upper flange:9.7MV/m 5.5MV/m 6.3MV/m Triple points: Cathode: 0.3MV/m 7.2MV/m 4.6 MV/m

27 CST results: Electric field norm– Sphere 6cm gap short anode
Triple points: Upper flange:10MV/m 5.8MV/m 6.9MV/m Triple points: Cathode: 0.3MV/m 7.8MV/m 4.6 MV/m

28 CST results: Electric field norm– Sphere 6cm gap short anode
Triple points: Upper flange:10MV/m 5.5MV/m 5.2MV/m Triple points: Cathode: 0.3MV/m 6.4MV/m 4.5 MV/m

29 Electric field norm: No shield vs Original vs shields 1 vs shields 2
On the metallic surface Pics are sadly not to scale, in all of them the cathode size is the same.

30 CST results: Electric field norm– T-shape

31 CST results: Electric field norm– Mushroom

32 CST results: Electric field norm– Shield 8

33 CST results: Electric field norm– Sphere 6cm gap short anode

34 CST results: Electric field norm– Sphere 9cm gap long anode

35 CST results: Electric field norm– Sphere 6cm gap long anode

36 GPT stuff



39 Beam monitors

40 Fin.

41 CST frame of reference:
y x z X goes into the page.

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