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How to publish your work in academic journals

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1 How to publish your work in academic journals
Workshop, Kerman, Iran Professor Stefan Grab University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

2 Select a project that is publishable
Something never investigated before in Iran -always requires a thorough literature search Investigating a problem that requires a practical solution and has applied value to a place or region Testing a new scientific theory Proving another study incorrect with the aid of better evidence Something that is beneficial to people, nature/environment, agriculture, industry, tourism, economy, settlement A study that raises national or international interest

3 Use good quality graphics
Select a methodology that is nationally and/or internationally recognized Sufficient sample size Methods must be accurate Use latest recognized software, statistical or laboratory techniques Use good quality graphics Maps Graphs and tables, diagrams

4 Build a clear and well organized paper
Some basic principles looked for: Title: informative, creative, interest the reader Abstract: should never be too long (aim for 300 words) WHAT the paper aims to do/achieve HOW the work was done (key methods) WHAT the main finding or conclusion is Introduction: -Set the context of the work -Briefly review important literature -provide a purpose for your study – why is it important? -what is the AIM of the project

5 Build a clear and well organized paper
Some basic principles looked for: Study area: -Important background information that is relevant to your study -Maybe provide a map Methodology: -Do not state the obvious – what most would be expected to know -explain methods clearly and scientifically -show that you are aware of potential limitations and how you have dealt with them -ethics and ethics clearance

6 Build a clear and well organized paper
Some basic principles looked for: Results: -Include tables and graphs and outline main findings -quantify findings where possible -compare Discussion -discuss mainly your own findings – not those of others -what is the value of your findings? -local, regional, national or international significance? -what is new that you present? -what do your findings add that may benefit the future?

7 Build a clear and well organized paper
Some basic principles looked for: Discussion -Focus on a story that flows logically -avoid complicating things and making things too complex -get to the point quickly and do not elaborate too much Conclusion: -Try not to repeat what you have already said -What is the most interesting finding(s) and what is the value?

8 Getting started Overcoming writers block (procrastination)
Set realistic goals and monitor achievement Create dedicated writing time when writing is all that you do Do social writing – write with others - accountability

9 Put the paper aside and take a time of rest or relaxation
Put the paper aside and take a time of rest or relaxation. Then go back and proof read and check Get someone to proof read your paper Avoid trying to put all the information of a Masters or PhD project into a paper VERY IMPORTANT: Select the appropriate journal impact factor and journal standing local vs international journal theme: read the journal’s aims and scope on the journal homepage open access turn-around time who do you want to read your work? Consider audience 5. Always follow the correct submission procedures



12 Types of research articles:
Letters and rapid or short communications are intended for the quick and early communication of significant or original advances, without including too much data 2. Review papers summarize recent developments on a specific topic, without introducing new data. 3. Full articles contain significant data, detail, developments and outcomes. Submit your paper to ONLY ONE journal at a time Responding to reviewer feedback Accept without revision Accept with major or minor revision– don’t give up! Reject – improve paper and try with another journal





17 Thank you for the invite

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