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ARS Profile Scientific Research Arm of USDA 9,000 Employees 2,500 Scientists 300 Postdoctoral Scientists 100+ Locations $1.1 Billion annual Budget.

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3 ARS Profile Scientific Research Arm of USDA 9,000 Employees
2,500 Scientists 300 Postdoctoral Scientists 100+ Locations $1.1 Billion annual Budget (FY-06) 21 National Programs ~1100+ Intramural Projects ~400 Extramural Projects (S/CA)

4 ARS Profile Partnerships with SAES, Universities and Industry
International Collaboration Stakeholder / Customer Driven Research Priorities Process Problem Solving / Technology Transfer

5 President’s Budget Requested $996 million. A net decrease of $106 million from the FY 2005 budget FY 2006 Budget = $1.1 billion (2% increase over the FY 2005 budget despite a 1% rescission ($11 million)

6 President’s Budget Requested $1.12 billion with a net decrease of $122 million. An 11% reduction from the FY 2006 budget.

7 Components of the President’s FY 2007 Budget
Funding Increases for new and expanded $ 57.1 research initiatives Program Redirection from ongoing base 49.1 resources to enhance priority research objectives in same unit Reprogramming Transferring Funds from existing unit to another unit Proposed Project Terminations (195.7) (earmarks and base funds) Operational Needs TOTAL, Salaries and Expenses $1.0 Billion

8 President’s FY 2007 Budget Soybean and Stem Rust $ 3.9
BSE and Chronic Wasting Disease Foot and Mouth Disease Avian Influenza Cell Wall Conversion for Bioenergy 1.8 Obesity Prevention Applied Genomics for Livestock Drought Mitigation

9 President’s FY 2007 Budget Support of APHIS 5.0 Emerging Diseases 2.0
Food Safety Natural Plant Diseases Recovery 4.2 Air and Water Quality 0.2 Climate change Genetic Resources

10 President’s FY 2007 Budget IT, including cybersecurity 4.1
National Agricultural Library 4.0 Capacity for Rapid Response 2.4 to emergencies TOTAL $57.1

11 President’s FY 2007 Budget Emerging Diseases $ 13.3 Food Safety 11.0
BSE Obesity / Nutrition Invasive Species Air and Water Quality Biobased products / bioenergy Genetic Resources Genomics TOTAL $49.1

12 Impact of President’s FY 2007 Budget on U.S. Southern States
AREA FY FY Difference Change MSA % SAA % SPA %

13 Impact on MSA Termination, including base funds $ 31.7 m.
Redirection and Reprogramming $ m. Closeout of 4 Research Units - Forage and Animal Production, Lexington, KY - Animal Waste Management, Bowling Green, KY - Waste Management & Forages, MS State, MS - Soil and Water Research Unit, Baton Rough, LA Redirection of Scientists 33 Redirection of Support Personnel 75

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