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Food Production & Distribution Mr. Rust Project STEP February 4, 2004

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Presentation on theme: "Food Production & Distribution Mr. Rust Project STEP February 4, 2004"— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Production & Distribution Mr. Rust Project STEP February 4, 2004

2 Outline Carrying capacity Introduction to Food Cycle Project outline

3 Carrying Capacity What is carrying capacity?
What are the factors that affect it?

4 Our Town Statistics for Cincinnati (Metro) Population Land area
From Census 2000 Population 331,285 Land area 77.97 square miles What is the population density? 4,249

5 Our Town How much food does one person need to survive
1.2 acres/person What is this in terms of square miles? 1 acre = square miles square miles/person For metro (77.97 square miles) area, how much farm land do we need? 621 square miles of farm land How much land is that?

6 Our Town Shaded area = Cincinnati metro area 77 square miles

7 Our Town Red area = farm land needed to support metro 625 square miles

8 Our Town Is it possible that the red area is all farm land?

9 This raises some questions
Where does the food come from? How does it get here? Won’t it be spoiled?

10 Food Production & Distribution
Livestock/fish production Crop production Processing Packaging Distribution Consumption

11 Project Outline Goal Engineering approach Outcome
Investigate the Food Production & Distribution System Engineering approach Divide into teams of 4 Each team researches one component of the system Outcome Presentations to class

12 Project Outline Assignment Due Date Max Points Worksheet
Tuesday/Wednesday 4 Written report Thursday Group presentation Friday Group Participation Everyday Total 16

13 Worksheet Energy – Identify and explain the energy costs essential to your component of the food production/distribution process Materials – Identify the materials needed to for your component of the food production/distribution process Wastes – Identify and describe the wastes generated by your component of the food production/distribution process Environmental Impact – Explain how the energy and materials used and wastes generated impact the environment

14 Written Report Compose a written report of your research findings
Make sure you include all the information you have found and recorded on your worksheet. You must conclude your discussion by explaining whether the system component that you researched is a sustainable process. Support your answer with information you found. The report should be a minimum of 1 page written (3/4 of a page typed).

15 Group Presentation Present your findings to the class on Friday
10 minutes per group

16 Resources Internet free Textbook free Library free
Engineering Teachers LLC If you are stuck, Mr. Rust and Mrs. Witson can help you find resources This will cost you points!!!

17 Any questions?

18 Resources

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