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We will learn about employment and explore a few careers.

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Presentation on theme: "We will learn about employment and explore a few careers."— Presentation transcript:

1 We will learn about employment and explore a few careers.
Learning Objective We will learn about employment and explore a few careers. Agenda: 1. Announcements 2. Key Terms Review 3. Interview Practice

2 This Week’s Announcements
Picture Day Friday, October 19 School Spirit Week October 22-26 Monday- School Colors Day Tuesday- Twin Day Wednesday- College Day Thursday- Pajama Day Friday- Character Day & Halloween Party 7th and 8th periods *must be passing to attend

3 Key Terms Review Full-Time- Employment where the work hours are 40 or more per week, usually 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Examples include: teacher, doctor, city worker, and engineer. Part-Time- Employment where the work hours are less than 40 per week, usually without benefits. Examples include: waiter/ waitress, barista, lifeguard, and cashier. Benefits- types of non-monetary payment offered to employees, may include health and dental insurance, retirement, vacation and sick leave.

4 Key Terms Review Interview- A meeting between a job applicant and the hiring employer. It can be face-to-face, over the phone, or the internet. Resume- A list of one’s academic and professional achievements, references, and skills. All jobs require an application or resume before being hired. Like a college resume.

5 Job Interview Basics Most jobs require an interview before being hired, whether you are applying at the movie theater or a law firm. An interview allows the employer a chance to meet the applicant in person. Role-playing an interview allows us to practice the questions and contemplate why this company should hire us.

6 Interview Role-Play Below are five common interview questions.
Get with a partner and take turns asking and answering these questions. Can you tell me a little about yourself? What do you consider your greatest strengths and weaknesses? Tell me about a challenge or conflict you have faced, and how you dealt with it. Where do you see yourself in five years? What is your dream job?

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