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Excel Review and Introduction to Qualtrics

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1 Excel Review and Introduction to Qualtrics

2 Outline Marketing Engineering Installation Excel Analysis ToolPak
Excel Review Introduction to Qualtrics

3 Liquid Laundry Exercise
Verify that there are 52 households, 348 purchase occasions, and a total of 1392 observations. Compute the average price across all four brands and across all 1392 observations and the percentage of time that all four brands were featured or on display. [Hint: Use the AVERAGE function.] What’s the market share of each brand in this data set? [Hint: Use the AVERAGEIF function. Alternatively, use Pivot Table under the INSERT tab, based on the variables set and choice. Use set as the row variable and choice in the value area. Use the Average of choice in Value Field Settings.] Compute the average price and the percentage of time a brand was featured or on display, separately for each brand. What’s the most inexpensive brand on average and what’s the most expensive. What’s the most heavily promoted brand in terms of feature and display? How do these figures relate to the market shares of the four brands? [Hint: See question c.]

4 Liquid Laundry Exercise
Graph the number of purchases for each week across the entire year. Are there certain times during the year when people are more likely to buy liquid laundry detergent? [Hint: Use Pivot Table based on the variables week and choice, with Sum in the Value Field Settings for choice. Then do a chart of number of purchases against week. The chart tools are under the INSERT tab.] Are some households heavier consumers of liquid laundry detergent than others? Which households are the lightest consumers and which are the heaviest consumers? [Hint: Use Pivot Table based on household and choice, with Sum in Value Field Settings for choice.] Do lower prices increase the likelihood of purchase? Suggest ways in which this question could be answered using these data. Come up with an interesting marketing question that could be answered with these data and explain how you would use the data to answer this question.

5 Liquid Laundry: Questions b, c and d
Overall mean Mean for Tide Mean for Wisk Mean for Era Mean for Surf Price 5.40 5.86 4.65 5.96 5.15 Feature 0.06 0.10 0.03 Display 0.14 0.18 0.04 Market share 1.00 0.24 0.51 0.12 0.13




9 Introduction to Qualtrics
Log on to: Create Project Design your survey Preview survey Distribute Survey Download and analyze the data

10 Next time Introduction to Marketing Analytics
Download the overheads (Introduction.pdf) Assignments: Chapter 1 in LRB Allegro exercise

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