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2012-2013 Playoff Crew Selection Recommendation Committee Ken Sussman Glenn Harter Pete Hopkins Board Liaison Randy Abbott.

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Presentation on theme: "2012-2013 Playoff Crew Selection Recommendation Committee Ken Sussman Glenn Harter Pete Hopkins Board Liaison Randy Abbott."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012-2013 Playoff Crew Selection Recommendation Committee Ken Sussman Glenn Harter Pete Hopkins Board Liaison Randy Abbott

2 Section – 200. Local Officials Associations 204. Committees 204.03 Responsibilities of Committees Recommendations Committee: The Recommendations Committee is responsible for reviewing the evaluations of each member official during the regular season. This committee is also responsible for preparing and submitting to the FHSAA Office a list of member officials who deserve consideration for assignment to State Series contests. The assignment officer (booking commissioner) should act on the recommendations of this committee.

3 Section - 300. Assignments to Officiate State Series 302. Regional & State Tournaments/Meets 302.01 Assignments 1. The assignment of officials to officiate a regional tournament or meet, as well as a state tournament or meet, will be made by the FHSAA Office. These assignments may or may not be made from the list of officials compiled by the associations Recommendations Committee as required in s.302.01(2), with the exceptions of swimming & diving and track & field. 2. The Recommendations Committee within each local officials association must compile and submit by the prescribed deadline to the FHSAA Office a list of member officials who deserve consideration for assignment to a regional tournament contest or state tournament contest. This list of recommended officials must be approved by majority vote of the local officials association membership prior to its submission to the FHSAA Office.

4 302.02 Criteria to be followed in making Assignments. Those officials in each sport who have met the following criteria will be given priority consideration for selection to officiate State Series contests: 1. Officials who are classified by the FHSAA as Rank 1 or Rank 2 in that sport; 2. Officials who were selected to officiate a district tournament contest in that sport; 3. Officials who have scored "80" or above on the FHSAA closed-book rules examination for that year in that sport; 4. Officials who have completed the FHSAA video rules presentation for that year in that sport; 5. Officials who have completed a field clinic within the previous four years; 6. Officials who are recommended to the FHSAA Office by the local officials association to which they belong. (The FHSAA Office may request the local association to submit regular season evaluations for recommended officials.)

5 "Any official that appears on your top two (2) crews for the FHSAA Finals must have either had an FHSAA state finals game evaluation or an FHSAA evaluation camp evaluation within the last three years (3)"- FHSAA

6 16 Members meet the State Evaluation Requirement within the last 3 years to be considered for crews 1 & 2. Abbott, Bernhardt, Dixon, Fackler, Felty, Harter, Hilferding, Kohler, Mazner, McCue, Murray, Nichols, Schlotterback, Scro, Van Duesen, Whitfield 32 Additional Members meet the requirements for selection to a State Playoff Crew as identified by the Muster Reports provided by the board on December 14, 2012 Bilotti, Bogg, Callahan, Candelaria, Christianson, Di Clemente, Distelhurst, Dymnicki, Eubank, Gothner, Hopkins, Hoydic, Hudson, Jones, Linkoff, Linsburg, Liskunis, McAward, McMahon, Pember, Rattigan, Rouse, Satkowski, Sholtis, Siedlecki, Skidmore, Sussman, Tuttle, Tuttle, Van Hoven, Waugh, Wilkie

7 34 Members did not meet the requirements for selection for different reasons, mostly (25) due to not attending the mandatory field clinic in the last 4 years.

8 2012-13 FHSAA Girls Basketball Championships District Tournaments When: Monday-Saturday, Jan. 28 - Feb. 2, 2013 Regional Tournaments Schedule: Regional tournament quarterfinals – 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 7, 2013 Regional tournament semifinals – 7 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 12, 21013 Regional tournament finals – 7 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 16, 2013 FHSAA Finals When: Tuesday-Saturday, Feb. 19-23, 2013

9 CrewPosition First NameLast Name 1 Referee GerryFelty U1 JohnKohler U2 AmyMazner 2 Referee AnthonyWhitfield U1 WillieDixon U2 JamieVan Duesen 3 Referee KenSchlotterback U1 MikeVanHoven U2 TracyFackler 4 Referee JimMurray U1 TomBernhardt U2 ZackHilferding

10 CrewPositionFirst NameLast Name 5 Referee AlanLinsberg U1 JohnRattigan U2 GreggPember 6 Referee SeanMcCue U1 JonathonNichols U2 LaurenceRouse 7 Referee GlennHarter U1 NormanEubank U2 StephenTuttle 8 Referee KenSussman U1 RandyAbbott U2 AlanLinkoff

11 2012-13 FHSAA Boys Basketball Championships District Tournaments When: Monday-Saturday, Feb. 4-9, 2013 Regional Tournaments Schedule: Regional tournament quarterfinals – 7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 14, 2013 Regional tournament semifinals – 7 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013 Regional tournament finals – 7 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013 FHSAA Finals When: Tuesday-Saturday, Feb. 26 - March 2, 2013

12 CrewPositionFirst NameLast Name 1 Referee JimMurray U1 TomBernhardt U2 ZackHilferding 2 Referee GlennHarter U1 SeanMcCue U2 JonathonNichols 3 Referee KenSussman U1 RandyAbbott U2 AlanLinkoff 4 Referee GerryFelty U1 JohnKohler U2 AmyMazner

13 CrewPositionFirst NameLast Name 5 Referee AlLiskunas U1 DickGothner U2 JamieVan Deusen 6 Referee WillieDixon U1 DaleWaugh U2 NathanTuttle 7 Referee AnthonyWhitfield U1 TracyFackler U2 AlanLinsberg 8 Referee KenSchlotterback U1 GreggPember U2 StephenTuttle


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