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Module # 5 Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Module # 5 Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module # 5 Introduction

2 Unit # 1

3 Unit #1 Learning Objectives

4 Effective Communication
A Critical Role for Supervisors Title, plus bullet points: Per DCF, the # of words on the page, ideally, is no more than 6. All Titles: 32 point Ariel Black font, bold. Blue color: 27, 95, 170 Titles should have no more than 2 lines. If there is a 2nd line requirement, keep both at 32 point Ariel bold. Text: Calibri, non-bold. Green color: 86, 148, 79 1st size 30 point; 2nd size 26 point; 3rd size 22 point; 4th size 20. It would be rare to have more than the 1st size on a slide

5 A Supervisor communicates:
Directions Feedback Clarifications Supports Expectations Title, plus bullet points: Per DCF, the # of words on the page, ideally, is no more than 6. All Titles: 32 point Ariel Black font, bold. Blue color: 27, 95, 170 Titles should have no more than 2 lines. If there is a 2nd line requirement, keep both at 32 point Ariel bold. Text: Calibri, non-bold. Green color: 86, 148, 79 1st size 30 point; 2nd size 26 point; 3rd size 22 point; 4th size 20. It would be rare to have more than the 1st size on a slide

6 Effective Communication = Increased Safety for Children
Title, plus bullet points: Per DCF, the # of words on the page, ideally, is no more than 6. All Titles: 32 point Ariel Black font, bold. Blue color: 27, 95, 170 Titles should have no more than 2 lines. If there is a 2nd line requirement, keep both at 32 point Ariel bold. Text: Calibri, non-bold. Green color: 86, 148, 79 1st size 30 point; 2nd size 26 point; 3rd size 22 point; 4th size 20. It would be rare to have more than the 1st size on a slide

7 Email vs. Verbal Communication
Title, plus bullet points: Per DCF, the # of words on the page, ideally, is no more than 6. All Titles: 32 point Ariel Black font, bold. Blue color: 27, 95, 170 Titles should have no more than 2 lines. If there is a 2nd line requirement, keep both at 32 point Ariel bold. Text: Calibri, non-bold. Green color: 86, 148, 79 1st size 30 point; 2nd size 26 point; 3rd size 22 point; 4th size 20. It would be rare to have more than the 1st size on a slide

8 Activity: What’s My Learning Style?
Title, plus bullet points: Per DCF, the # of words on the page, ideally, is no more than 6. All Titles: 32 point Ariel Black font, bold. Blue color: 27, 95, 170 Titles should have no more than 2 lines. If there is a 2nd line requirement, keep both at 32 point Ariel bold. Text: Calibri, non-bold. Green color: 86, 148, 79 1st size 30 point; 2nd size 26 point; 3rd size 22 point; 4th size 20. It would be rare to have more than the 1st size on a slide

9 Crucial Conversations
Title, plus bullet points: Per DCF, the # of words on the page, ideally, is no more than 6. All Titles: 32 point Ariel Black font, bold. Blue color: 27, 95, 170 Titles should have no more than 2 lines. If there is a 2nd line requirement, keep both at 32 point Ariel bold. Text: Calibri, non-bold. Green color: 86, 148, 79 1st size 30 point; 2nd size 26 point; 3rd size 22 point; 4th size 20. It would be rare to have more than the 1st size on a slide

10 Crucial Conversations
Make it Safe

11 Crucial Conversations
Master My Story

12 Crucial Conversations
Explore Others’ Path

13 Crucial Conversations
Move to Action

14 Clear Expectations

15 Activity: High Stakes and Frightening Lapses: DSS, La Alianza and the Private Sector
Title, plus bullet points: Per DCF, the # of words on the page, ideally, is no more than 6. All Titles: 32 point Ariel Black font, bold. Blue color: 27, 95, 170 Titles should have no more than 2 lines. If there is a 2nd line requirement, keep both at 32 point Ariel bold. Text: Calibri, non-bold. Green color: 86, 148, 79 1st size 30 point; 2nd size 26 point; 3rd size 22 point; 4th size 20. It would be rare to have more than the 1st size on a slide

16 Listening Skills 5.2.1

17 Learning Objectives 5.2.2.

18 Preparation 5.2.3

19 Full Attention 5.2.4

20 Use of Silence 5.2.5

21 Active Listening 5.2.6

22 Reflecting Back 5.2.7

23 Asking Permission 5.2.8

24 Body Language 5.2.9

25 Feedback 5.3.1

26 Learning Objectives 5.3.2

27 Stop, Stay, Start 5.3.3

28 What Should I Stop Doing?

29 What Should I Stay (or keep) Doing?

30 What Should I Start Doing?

31 Characteristics of Effective Feedback

32 Good Feedback is Specific

33 Good Feedback is Directed at Behavior the Recipient Can Control

34 Good Feedback is Respectful

35 Good Feedback is Descriptive Rather than Evaluative

36 Situation, Behavior, Impact (SBI) model of Feedback

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