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S.P.R.I.T.E Organizer for The Inca Civilization

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1 S.P.R.I.T.E Organizer for The Inca Civilization
Assignment 3.03: The Incas S.P.R.I.T.E Organizer for The Inca Civilization

2 This Social Pyramid shows the social classes of the Inca Empire
This Social Pyramid shows the social classes of the Inca Empire. The Sapa Inca held the highest position of power, and was thought to be “divine”. Next came the Royal Family (relatives of Sapa Inca). The Nobility were distant relatives, and the Ayllu were at the base of the pyramid- the “kinship family”. They traded back and forth with goods the others did not have in their area.

3 Atabalipa was the Sapa Inca ruler also known as Atahualpa
Atabalipa was the Sapa Inca ruler also known as Atahualpa. He refused to join the Spanish when Pizarro captured him. Pizarro used him to control the Inca Empire and eventually killed him. He was the son of Huayna Capac who ruled the empire when it was at its greatest range and power. Atahualpa became emperor by defeating his half-brother in a civil war sparked by the death of their father, Huayna Capac.

4 These mummified Incan remains indicate the great respect the Inca showed by mummifying their dead. They would dress their mummies in new clothing, and offer them food and drink. They would also parade them. Pizarro ordered that mummies be burned when he conquered the land so that none of their religion would survive.

5 A quipu is a group of colored strings knotted to represent different numbers. Different strings represented columns like the ones we use in our decimal system (ones, tens, hundreds etc.) They were used to store massive amounts of information. Some people believe that they were not only used for math, but as a form of written language.

6 The Inca Civilization expanded on the use of terrace farming
The Inca Civilization expanded on the use of terrace farming. They carved steps of flat land up the side of a mountain to create more farmable areas. This helped keep rainwater from running off, which helped stop the erosion of soil.

7 The words Machu Picchu mean “Old Peak”
The words Machu Picchu mean “Old Peak”. Machu Picchu is located in Peru, and is thought to be the estate of Pachacuti. The city had different sections like other cities, for lower-class, nobility and priests, and many of the buildings were made with a technique called “Ashlar” where stones were carved and polished to fit perfectly. There was also a citadel. The city was never known to Pizarro and as result was never destroyed. Some believe the city to be sacred.

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