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Vocab List #4 ACT.

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1 Vocab List #4 ACT

2 collaborate Abbreviate
(verb)to shorten or abridge The World Wide Web is often abbreviated to the Web or WWW. (verb) to work together Rihanna and Eminem collaborated on their new song, “Monster”

3 Integrity Exasperation
(noun) Honesty, decency Michelle Obama has a lot of integrity, so people respect her." (noun) irritation, frustration I felt exasperated when the students didn’t read.

4 Orator Vindicate (noun) speaker The students loved the orator’s voice of Things Fall Apart!! (verb) to clear from blame The judge vindicated the boy of stealing money from the bank because there was no evidence to prove it.

5 wary restrained (adverb) watchful, alert Due to all the crime, people have become very wary when walking down the street. (verb) controlled or restricted They had to restrain the alligator’s mouth so that it didn’t bite me!

6 Parched Precocious (adj) talented beyond one’s own age
The teacher was amazed at the child’s precocious behavior. (verb) dried up After talking all hour, my mouth became parched!

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