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Write down as many myths as you can think of!

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Presentation on theme: "Write down as many myths as you can think of!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Write down as many myths as you can think of!

2 The use of myth to express human understanding of God

3 Learning outcome To be able to explain the use of myth to express human understanding of God.

4 Definition of myth Traditional definition: Write your own!

5 Non-Cognitive? Non-Cognitive approaches to religious language have had a profound effect on the ways in which some thinkers have interpreted religious texts. Some people find these approaches challenging and even threatening to the Christian faith, whilst others have found them liberating offering new opportunities for modern people to relate to Christian ideas.

6 Myth But actually myths are stories that convey the values of the people that tell them. They communicate truths of a society, religious myths may provide a meaningful way to make statements about God. E.g. the Genesis creation stories = these teach believers God is the loving creator. Some say that religious ideas conveyed through myths can give cognitive knowledge of God. Some people equate myths to legends and ancient stories that are false.

7 Myth: What does this story tell us?
Write down what this biblical story tells us?

8 Examples of Myth... What do they tell us?
Moses: channel of power/ role of prophet / hero / saviour Rocks: Danger Light: Hope of salvation Walls of water: power of God/defy nature Israelites: Awe of God’s power/helplessness/ salvation

9 Bultmann on Myth However.....
Eventually this was given up, because the truths expressed in the stories didn’t make much sense without the stories. If you understand myths as fictional stories then they wouldn’t tell us anything about God. However if they are the opposite, then like symbols, they will open up an deeper understanding of the ultimate reality. Myths are the use of imagery to express the other worldly. What is present in a myth is not literal truth but a deeper truth. Bultmann tried to demythologise the bible with the aim of revealing its truths.

10 Read the article and highlight 5 key ideas…
Non-Cognitive? Read the article and highlight 5 key ideas… Top Philosopher task: What is the problem with believing every story in the Bible is a myth? Stretch yourself: Explain two other philosopher’s views on myth and the religious language.

11 Is this what religious language is?
Rudolf Otto on myth Language can become self transcending – we have a religious experience and use words/ concepts familiar to others – we begin to “schematise” the experience (Rudolf Otto). Schematise – to arrange something systematically. Is this what religious language is?

12 In depth: Myth 1) Why did Bultmann want to demythologize the New Testament? 2) What is the kerygma? Why is it important? 3) How was Bultmann trying to help the ‘modern man’? 4) How does Bultmann demythologise the crucifixion story? 5) What is the problem of describing Jesus as a myth? 6) Write a list of weaknesses of Bultmann’s idea. Stretch yourself: Add your own weaknesses to the list.

13 Demythologise your own myth:
For example: Creation The Fall Death of Guru Nanak Hanukah story Passover / ten plagues / Red Sea etc. Write an explanation the Myth/Story… What is really going on here? What symbols are at play? Stretch yourself: Write a literalists response to Bultmann's ideas. Why might demythologising cause issues?

14 In your words Why does Bultmann argue the idea of myth makes religious language meaningful? Write an answer in your notes. Stretch yourself: Do you agree with him? Explain your opinion in your notes.

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