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Inheritable characteristics are received from parents

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1 Genetics

2 Inheritable characteristics are received from parents
Inheritable characteristics are received from parents. Examples include eye colour and freckles.

3 Arm fold preference: fold your arms -
Arm fold preference: fold your arms - ?Do you fold right-over-left or left-over-right?

4 “Hitchhiker’s thumb”: extend your thumb – Is it straight or curved?

5 Check out your own … Pinkie fingers: place them side by side – Are they straight or curved away from each other?

6 Ear lobes: look at your ear in a mirror – Is it directly attached or separated ?

7 Other inheritable characteristics include:
eye colour freckles blood type haemophilia cystic fibrosis

8 Non inherited characteristics are learned.
For example: Artistic ability Athletic ability

9 chromosomes in the nucleus
Chromosomes are found in the nucleus of every cell. chromosomes in the nucleus

10 Chromosomes and Genes Each human cell has 46 chromosomes
Chromosomes and Genes Each human cell has 46 chromosomes. The chromosomes exist as 23 pairs. Chromosomes are made from DNA and protein. Genes are pieces of DNA found on chromosomes.


12 62 Chromosomes 38 Chromosomes 18 Chromosomes

13 DNA © 2005 Chugoku Rosai Hospital The long DNA molecule is so twisted and coiled so that it takes up tiny little space. Each twisted coil of DNA, containing many genes. Small molecules of protein help keep the chromosome in shape

14 DNA coding Each individual’s unique code is called their DNA fingerprint. DNA is used in crime scene investigation parental disputes

15 two genes for eye colour
For each inheritable characteristic, a human has two genes – one passed on by the father’s sperm cell, the other by the mother’s egg cell two genes for eye colour one gene for eye colour one gene for eye colour

16 the code in DNA is different in every human being…except for ?????
IDENTICAL TWINS can you explain why

17 He is known as the father of modern genetics.
Gregor Mendel He is known as the father of modern genetics.

18 He discovered a lot about how characteristics are inherited by studying how traits are passed on in pea plants.

19 Inherited Diseases Haemophilia Cystic fibrosis



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