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Make it a Great Day! Thursday, March 16th 2017

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1 Make it a Great Day! Thursday, March 16th 2017
Warm-up: Please read “Mountains” & “A Wealth of Minerals” on pg. 417 in the blue book. What is the tallest mountain of Africa? If Africa has a wealth of resources why does the continent still struggle economically ?

2 Make it a Great Day! Thursday, March 16th 2017
Agenda: Attendance & Warm-up previewing the essential question & CONFERENCE LETTERS Make-up & Recover Unit Test (71%er) over Europe & Russia – Units 4 & 5 If you still need work to recover up to passing, see me during tutoring Tuesday or Thursday 3:30 – 4:00 or another time that you arrange with me. THIS IS WEEK 9. All work must be turned in by this Thursday at 4:00. Finish & Review Mapping Lab Challenges 3-5 with new partner Review & Study for map quiz then take map quiz over Africa Cool-Down responding to the essential question Essential Questions: What and where are the significant human geographic features of Africa? What and where are the significant physical features and climate zones of Africa AND how do they impact human settlement patterns? SSWG 3ab & 4abcd Materials you will need: Geography Notebook & writing utensil Green textbook – thematic maps of Africa pgs Mapping Lab Challenge materials – clipboard, transparency, answer document, etc.

3 Make it a Great Day! Thursday, March 16th 2017
Cool Down: How is Africa’s population distributed?

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