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H u m a n S e c u r i t y National Climate Change Action Plan

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1 H u m a n S e c u r i t y National Climate Change Action Plan
Roundtable Discussion on Mainstreaming Urban Issues in the NCCAP and NDCs 26-27 July 2018 | Novotel, Quezon City

2 Adaptation Context Climatic Drivers Key Risks Issues
Extreme events in excessive rains, floods, landslides, and drought Increasing adaptive capacity Intensifying integrated ecosystem-based management approach Mainstreaming climate adaptation in policies, plans, and PPAs Increased incidence of disease and illnesses (i) insect- and rodent-borne diseases, (ii) food-borne diseases, (iii) respiratory diseases, and (iv) heat-related illnesses Absence of national facility dedicated to assessment of vulnerability to various climate-related heath risks with functions of monitoring and surveillance Inadequate competence of health personnel

3 Reducing Vulnerability (AR5 Human Security)
Adaptation Prospects Reducing Vulnerability (AR5 Human Security) Diversification of income-generating activities in the agricultural and fishing systems Migration as a risk management strategy Development of insurance systems among vulnerable groups Educating of women Improvement in local land use and development planning and implementation (PhilCCA2) Climate-sensitive health sector (PhilCCA2) Vulnerability assessment Improving sensitivity and response Enhancing surveillance of climate-sensitive diseases

4 Systems of Interest Systems of Interest

5 Theory of Change Increasing number of disasters linked to floods, droughts and other climate-influenced events, and disaster risk reduction (DRR) alone will not be sufficient. Reduced risks of people through the interventions on local planning, health, and settlements lowers the exposure, sensitivity and therefore increasing the adaptive capacities of communities Able bodied, healthy man-power” function as potential consumers and market for products and services contributing to the climate-smart transition.

6 Outcomes Ultimate Outcome
Reduced risks of men and women and other vulnerable groups from climate change and disasters Beneficiaries of health services on climate-sensitive diseases Amount of damage and casualties Intermediate Outcome Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction practiced by communities and sectors at all levels Health and social protection delivery systems are responsive to climate risks Climate-adaptive settlements and services developed, promoted, and adopted No. of internally displaced people and vulnerable groups decreased Outputs CCA-DRRM integrated in local plans Implemented health emergency response, preparedness, and post-disaster management at national and local levels Reduced population congestion and exposure to climate risks % of CC-DRR-sensitive CLUPS and CDPs formulated No. of households vulnerable to hydromet disasters resettled in safe and secure areas No. of preventive health services rendered in disaster-prone areas

7 Accomplishments /climate-sensitive diseases/

8 Accomplishments /health surveillance systems/
Event-based Surveillance and Response (ESR) System covers rumors and other reports transmitted through routine reporting system (from media, health workers, and NGOs) Surveillance in Post-extreme Emergencies and Disasters (SPEED) detect early unusual increase of communicable and non-communicable conditions related to emergencies and disasters Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (PIDSR) enhanced surveillance system that monitors notifiable diseases and other health-related events of public health importance using an integrated approach

9 Accomplishments /cost of disasters/

10 Accomplishments /climate-sensitive plans/
DILG Memo Circular : Guidelines on the Formulation of LCCAP DILG Memo Circular : Early Preparedness Actions to Reduce Disaster Risks DILG Memo Circular : Guidelines on Mainstreaming CCA/DRR in Local Development Planning Disaster Preparedness Manual on: Checklist of Minimum Preparations for Mayors Checklist of Early Preparations for Mayors Checklist for MLGOOs, COPs, and FMs LGU Guidebooks on Formulation of LCCAPs Book 1: Process Guide Book 2: References Enhanced LGU Guidebook on the Formulation of LCCP Book 3: Process Guide Book 4: References Supplemental Guidelines on Mainstreaming Climate Change and Disaster Risks in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan

11 Accomplishments /casualties to disasters/

12 Accomplishments /displacement by disaster/

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