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Healthy Lifestyle Choices

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1 Healthy Lifestyle Choices

2 Class Poll: Which of the following would you most prefer to ingest?
You must pick 2…write the numbers on the corner of your note guide!!!

3 Cadmium– found in old batteries

4 Methane Gas – cow farts and stuff
2 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

5 Dioxins – found in paint
3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

6 5 4 Ammonia – same as in toilet cleaners
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

7 Methanol – like in antifreeze
5 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

8 Hexamine – found in lighter fluids
6 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

9 Arsenic – also used as rat poison
7 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

10 8 Mercury – Found in thermometers
So toxic I am not allowed to have any in the science room. 8 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

11 9 Acetone – found in nail polish remover
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

12 10 Hydrogen cyanide – used in the gas chamber for death row inmates
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

13 Phenol – chemical used to make CD’s
11 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

14 Carbon monoxide – like car exhaust
13 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

15 12 Formaldehyde – used to preserve things
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

16 14 Tar – like the carbon goo found on the roads
Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

17 Why am I asking you these crazy questions?
What did you pick? Why am I asking you these crazy questions? All of these can be found in a single cigarette, along with thousands of other chemicals. Most from this list can’t even be disposed of at the landfill. Most are considered hazardous waste. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy


19 Other than your diet, what are some other ways to ensure your health?
Exercise, sleep, hygiene, checkups No drugs No alcohol Avoid CARCINOGENS – things that cause CANCER Avoid overexposure to the sun/UV rays Don’t use tobacco products What is Cancer?

20 What is Cancer?

21 What is Cancer? Uncontrolled, unregulated cell growth and reproduction
These cells have lost the ability to follow the normal controlled directions Some times it happens naturally/unknown reasons, but sometimes the things we do cause it…like sun tanning or smoking.

22 Why are we talking about this now?
Well, because we were learning about cells and keeping them healthy and we will learn about diseases caused by pathogens, but also because… Every generation finds new ways to push the limits of drugs and alcohol abuse and addiction… Also the fact that 60% of people who smoke start smoking at 14… And Because…

23 I Don’t Want You to Look Like This!

24 Or this…

25 Or How About This!

26 And Who Wants To Kiss This?

27 “This is wicked gross, why are you showing us this!?”

28 Because, many factors can affect your likelihood of becoming an Addict, and some you can’t control!
STOP, THINK & WRITE: How does a person’s environment affect the likelihood that they may become an addict? STOP, THINK & WRITE: How does a person’s behavior affect the likelihood that they may become an addict? How does a person’s genetic makeup affect the likelihood that they will become an addict?

29 Remember, millions of your cells are dividing every second.
These harmful chemicals can cause variations/mutations in your DNA sequences. What happens to mutations through natural selection? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

30 The connection between genetics & addiction

31 Tobacco companies require 1,200 “replacement smokers” to replace the ones that die each day. Time to advertise! Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

32 The Power of Advertising: Analyzing Anti-Smoking Ads
Please complete the chart on the bottom of your note guide! Rate its effectiveness on a 1-10 scale. (10 Highly Effective) Write a short reflection about the effectiveness of each ad! Which ad was the most effective in making you not want to smoke?






38 Homework Assignment: Format: Include:
Create an anti-smoking, anti-drug, or anti-alcohol advertisement that you think would be highly effective. Format: Any format you think would be effective – maybe a brochure in a clinic, a poster to be hung up in schools, a commerical/public service announcement, political cartoon Include: A slogan or tag line Strong researched facts (at least 3) Powerful image(s) I WANT TO SEE NEAT, QUALITY WORK WITH COLOR (black & white only if it is more appropriate) – NO LOOSE LEAF PAPER!

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