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English Civil War.

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1 English Civil War

2 CONSTITUTIONALISM France, Prussia, Russia were absolute states
England and Holland were constitutional states Constitutionalism is limiting the govt. by law (may be written or unwritten) May be monarchies or Republics This is not democratic (no franchise for all) Yet England would experience the last of the great Religious Wars

3 1603 James I (Stuart) replaced Elizabeth (Tudor)
James believed he was only responsible to God (divine right) His ascension led to a personal union between England and Scotland He was frivolous and called the wisest fool in Christendom because he was also well read and intelligent. He hated and ignored Parliament and sold titles to raise money

4 Parliamentary Opposition
Parliament will oppose James’ attempt to rule and begin to see itself as the defenders of the people. The opposed James’ pro-Spanish, pro-Catholic foreign policy. Parliament felt threatened by the ability of the king to raise money

5 Charles I Painfully shy and indecisive.
Decreed a forced loan from landowners without Parliament’s consent. Was pro-Catholic

6 Puritans This transition was happening during the Thirty Years War
Puritans were Calvinists that emerged during Elizabeth’s Reign that emphasized a personal understanding of the Bible, and discipline. Very anti-Catholic and fanatical. Helped stoke fears that Catholics were trying to restore Catholicism to England. “Popery” was related to the Inquisition, the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, and Alba’s Council of Blood.

7 Charles Attempts Absolutism
Parliament issued the Petition of Right forcing the king to no longer force loans without Parliament’s consent. It also defined the rights of Parliament as inalienable, condemned arbitrary arrest, martial law, and taxation without representation. In response Charles ordered the dissolution of Parliament. Charles will then issue a tax for “ship money” without Parliament’s consent on inland towns. Charles will seize lands from Scottish Nobles and try to impose the Book of Common Prayer on Scotland This leads to Rebellion in Scotland. Charles becomes desperate and demands the City of London pay for the war. London forced Charles to re-summon Parliament.

8 The English Civil War Begins
Parliament demanded Charles consider a list of grievances. Charles dissolves the “Short Parliament after less than two months. This was seen as a threat to English Liberties claiming it was Parliament that was a balance to royal authority. It became “Country vs. Court.” Charles began to appoint bishops and separate England into Bishoprics which smacked of “popery” Charles brought in an Irish army and Parliament declared it could only dissolve itself. Puritans demanded a reform of church and state. In 1642 Charles led a band of soldiers into Parliament to arrest their leaders who escaped.

9 The War Many if not most counties were neutral.
North and West England supported Charles while the South and East supported Parliament. In 1644 the Cavaliers are defeated at Marston Moor led by Oliver Cromwell. The New Model Army was very disciplined and did not pillage the land earning it goodwill. Charles would be defeated and executed.

10 Radicals Baptists arose who were very similar to Anabaptists.
Levelers believed laws should protect the poor and wealthy equally but still based rights on property ownership. Diggers believed that private ownership of land should be abolished and were similar to anarchists. Ranters rejected the idea of heaven and hell believing salvation is brought through drinking and sex.

11 Interregnum 1649-1660 is the “Interregnum” or Puritan Commonwealth
Thomas Hobbes Leviathan, sovereignty is derived from the people, the power of the ruler is absolute but not divine - this pleased no one Theoretically, power rested with parliament The army controlled Parliament, Cromwell controlled the “New Model Army” “Protectorate” Cromwell’s rule was a military dictatorship. Cromwell was better with military than civilian government. New Amsterdam was seized.

12 Cromwell Cromwell was an absolutist - died 1658
Issued The Instrument of Government gave religious freedom to all, except Catholics crushed rebellions in Ireland enforced the Navigation Acts (English goods - English ships) welcomed Jews The state: censored the press forbade sport closed the theaters Cromwell was an absolutist - died 1658

13 Test Act of 1673 To enforce religious conformity those who refused to receive the sacraments of the Church of England: a) could not vote b) hold public office c) preach or teach d) attend university e) assemble for meetings

14 For 200,000 pounds from France, Charles agrees to: a) relax laws against Catholics b) re-catholicize England c) support France against the Dutch policies d) convert to Catholicism The people feared: a) a Catholic dynasty b) hated Louis XIV and absolutism c) hated Catholicism The Commons passed a bill excluded Catholics for the throne Charles dissolved Parliament - the bill never passed

15 James II succeeded his brother
James appointed Catholics to high positions - contrary to the Test Act James suspended the law at will and England feared absolutism He also declared religious freedom for all Two events signaled revolution i) seven bishops were arrested for not complying with the Declaration of Indulgence ii) James’s second wife produced a male heir

16 Wealthy English men offered the throne to James’s Protestant daughter Mary and William

17 Triumph of Government The “Glorious Revolution” had very little blood and was the end of divine-right monarchy in England William and Mary accepted the throne but recognized the supremacy of Parliament The rights of the people were listed in the Bill of Rights

18 The Bill of Rights Laws were made by parliament and could not be suspended by the Crown Parliament had to be called at least every 3 years The Crown would not interfere with Parliament Judges would be independent No standing army in peace time English monarch must be Protestant Freedom of worship to Protestant dissenters

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