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What are living creatures made of? Why do we have to eat?

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Presentation on theme: "What are living creatures made of? Why do we have to eat?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are living creatures made of? Why do we have to eat?
The Chemistry of Life What are living creatures made of? Why do we have to eat?

2 Molecules of Life Put C, H, O, N together in different ways to build living organisms What are bodies made of? carbohydrates sugars & starches proteins fats (lipids) nucleic acids DNA, RNA

3 ATP Why do we eat? We eat to take in more of these chemicals
Food for building materials to make more of us (cells) for growth for repair Food to make energy calories to make ATP ATP

4 How do we make these molecules?
We build them!

5 Building large molecules of life
Chain together smaller molecules building block molecules = monomers Big molecules built from little molecules polymers

6 Building large organic molecules
Small molecules = building blocks Bond them together = polymers

7 Building important polymers
Carbohydrates = built from sugars sugar – sugar – sugar – sugar – sugar – sugar Proteins = built from amino acids amino acid Nucleic acids (DNA) = built from nucleotides nucleotide – nucleotide – nucleotide – nucleotide

8 How to build large molecules
Synthesis building bigger molecules from smaller molecules building cells & bodies repair growth reproduction + ATP

9 You gotta be open to “bonding!
How to build a polymer You gotta be open to “bonding! Synthesis joins monomers by “taking” H2O out one monomer donates OH– other monomer donates H+ together these form H2O requires energy & enzymes H2O HO H enzyme Dehydration synthesis Condensation reaction

10 How to take large molecules apart
Digestion taking big molecules apart getting raw materials for synthesis & growth making energy (ATP) for synthesis, growth & everyday functions + ATP

11 How to break down a polymer
Breaking up is hard to do! Digestion use H2O to breakdown polymers reverse of dehydration synthesis cleave off one monomer at a time H2O is split into H+ and OH– H+ & OH– attach to ends requires enzymes releases energy H2O HO H enzyme Most macromolecules are polymers • build: condensation (dehydration) reaction • breakdown: hydrolysis An immense variety of polymers can be built from a small set of monomers Hydrolysis Digestion

12 Example of digestion starch glucose Starch is digested to glucose ATP

13 amino acids = building block
Example of synthesis amino acids protein Proteins are synthesized by bonding amino acids amino acids = building block protein = polymer

14 Any Questions? Penguins gone bad!

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